Name: Kieran Hishamie Race: Human Sex: Male Age: 26 Specialization: Infiltrator Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] /6'2/185 lbs/Brown eyes/Black hair/ Backround: Kieran was born on earth, and lived a very quiet life. He never caused much trouble, and nothing exciting happened. Kieran hated it, always reading about space and other planets and aliens and wanted to go out and explore. When he was eighteen he decided to enlist into the military, much to the dissapointment to his parents and his friends, and tried to do everything he ever wanted to do. He was trained, uniformed up, and was immediately sent out to another world. But to his dissapointment he rarely saw any type of action. He was stationed on some backwards planet out on the the very edge of Council space, right on the border between council space and the terminus systems. Kieran eagerly awaited some type of scuffle or test of his abilities but they never came. Kieran was not trigger happy, but he wanted something or anything more than a normal simple calm life. After four years of nothing he decided to not renew his contract with the military and set off. A little while later he was recruited into the Blue Suns mercenary group and was almost immediately given what he was asked for. He fought other mercenaries, he was sent off on missions to find things or protect people, and he enjoyed every minute. He did not truly enjoy taking the life of another, but the adventure was something to behold. Years later Kieran was able to obtain the rank of officer, and was sent to Eden Prime for a recruitment drive. Fortune quickly flew south as the planet was attacked by Geth, but Kieran fought back hard and quick. He led civilans to safety then rushed off to where it looked like a strange black ship had flown to. He saw a turian command the Geth, and decided then to followed him instead. He eventually came across a beacon, Prothean in nature but that was unknown at the time to Kieran, and was affected by it. He was given visions, but nothing was very clear. He passed out, and when he woke up, he woke up on the citadel. After speaking of impending doom and destruction he was taken to the Council to retell his story, but was dismissed after. Everyone though he was crazy, just some mercenary that was screaming for attention. After his meeting, Kieran met an agent for the Shadow broker. The shadow broker believed him, and gave him a mission with the promise of course of monetary gain. He wanted Kieran to kill Saren, the Turian that he saw on Eden Prime. Eager for revenge, Kieran agreed. Kieran was given a list of people and dossiers on them that Shadow Broker suggested he recruited. He was also given a ship and a few other supplies. Equipment: M-11 supressed pistol/ M-92 Mantis sniper rifle/ Omni Blade Powers: Tactical Cloak/ Sabotage/ Sticky Grenade/ Disruptor ammo