[@Carsonomel][@EmzyOfNeverland] [color=a0410d]Gunnar[/color] The general scratches his beard. "Hmm... A hundred years ago... No... The last battle we had in these lands was a minor scuffle where some raiders attacked back when Liz was little... That was over 200 years ago... Damn..." He looks up when he sees Nik. "Found a traveler... He's been asleep for a very long time... Good thing though, as the practices I- *he coughs* humans developed have come a long way." [color=9e0b0f]Magnus[/color] Magnus looks at the shield. "Uh...I need to re do the leather straps... Pound out the chew marks..." He notices he's still holding Quin's hand and blushes harder, hand locking in fear of crushing the small delicate bones. He slowly lets go, trying to clear his mind of the sudden thought of holding Quin. --------- Was planning on it after all this craziness.