[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/N1AemBh.png[/img] Name: Kato'Reigan Nar Rayya Race: Quarian Sex: Male Age: 23 Specialization: Engineer Appearance: Kato is average height of a Quarian, which is slightly below Human and Asari averages, he is also average weight for a Quarian on their Pilgrimage, which is more muscular and leaner then leaving the Flotilla, losing the last of his baby fat with the more physically intense life style of a Pilgrimage and eating the bare Minimum. If it weren't for his Environmental suit he would look like any other Quarian, his Envio-suit is mostly white with some black in it, a White Envio-suit is rare and he was given it due to his artistic nature. Background: Kato was an especially artistic child, a rarity in the Flotilla after so many centuries out in the void of space. Art, music, and dance is impractical but is considered precious the few people who are naturally gifted in the arts are treated as rare as Eezo. Kato wasn't only artistic but he was technologically gifted as well often considered both art and science as the same thing but with different rules. Kato was said to be spoiled sweet, as he was always a nice, soft-spoken, and an emotionally intelligent kid. But due to the high exceptions of all those around him made him anxious and fear failure even more so compared to other Quarians, he always felt like he was never good enough and because of that he left many art, music, and tech projects unfinished before they were completed. Luckily Kato was sent out on his Pilgrimage, where many of the people worried for him believed he will become less anxious once he sees the wider galaxy. Once he was trained on how to survive outside the Flotilla Kato's first stop is the Citadel where he will figure out where to go from there. During his few weeks at the Citadel he took odd jobs here and there making money, sometimes his jobs were repairing ships off the grid, others was hacking into rival banks accounts and getting a pitiful amount of the share, but he never argued and kept his head down and nodded. His current job is him being contacted by a Shadow Broker agent and sent onto a task to blackmail a company for holding out information about scanners and the information they can give. After getting access to the scanners and the limited amount of data he uncovered, Kato was further tasked to scan a few dozen Keepers and study the data he finds and once he got anything useful or interesting he will send a copy to the Shadow Broker. Equipment: M-3 Predator, M-9 Tempest, Customized Omni-Tool Powers: Overload, Cryo Blast, Incinerate, Tactical Scan [/center]