Nick took the firearm hesitantly, knowing full well that his accuracy with conventional weapons was less than satisfactory in comparison to the usage of his primarily established means of combat. Namely, burning shit to cinders and molten scrap. When it came to setting things aflame there were few as qualified to do the job as Nick Nack. The order went out and the Firebat took a shot. Lady luck was on his side and the bullet hit the last target available as his allies quickly made short work of the others. Niiiice and quiet. With a cannon.. The hell were these guys thinking, using explosive rounds on a stealthy infiltration mission.. Not that bringing a Firebat was likely to be any quieter. [color=ed1c24]"Keep sayin' sunshine, I'm gonna stick that gun yer so fond of up where your sun [i]don't[/i] shine."[/color] He chuckled, giving a friendly shove to Ansgar as the group proceeded forward at behest of their fearless captain. While she had stated that if things went to hell, he was clear to use his primary weapons.. That just made the Firebat hope things went to hell but his professional side won out in the end. From where he had always stood, Nick was unfit to be a captain. When someone said fire, he asked how much.