I kind of agree with the sentiments against Madoka and Raising Project. They're alright shows, but I feel the concepts in them don't make for good RP premises- a lot of what makes those shows what they are is this slow but inevitable slide into the depths that drags the viewer down with the characters. Since RPing is typically about the players being faced with challenges and the chance they'll get put on that slide but with the means and opportunity to overcome it as part of the story, it's very difficult to properly introduce the inevitability and the creeping despair without making people upset. Stuff like Precure, Nanoha, Symphogear, Vividred, etc make for better RPG premises in my opinion because they don't depend on the Despair Event Horizon like Madoka and Raising Project do. Not to mention, as has been said before, there's enough Dark Fantasy Magical Girl RPs right now, I'd rather see a lighter/more classic oriented one. Also because the Nanoha series is one of my all-time favorites, so I'm more than a little biased...