Hangovers suck. This is a fact. It's always been a fact, and it will always be a fact. It has been identified as a fact by thousands of people throughout history, starting with the first caveman who went on a Budweiser binge the night before his wedding day to sooth his nerves, only to discover the resulting sickness the morning after, most likely assuming he was dying. However we will not be focusing on this caveman. No, we will instead be focusing on a young woman who existed for a short while many centuries later. Her name was Souls. And her story begins with her in the bathroom of a train, hunching over the toilet, the contents of her stomach spilling from her mouth and into the bowl. The girl had spent the previous night drinking every ounce of alcohol she owned, and now she was paying for it. It took a while to get it all out, and a little longer to finish her dry retching, but once she did, she flushed the toilet and got to her feet, wobbling a little as she stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She zoned out for a moment as she stared at herself in the mirror: her body was thin from years of near starvation, but her loose clothing, which consisted of a T-shirt with the words [i]Lusus Naturae[/i] written in spidery letters, a pair of black jeans, and, of course, her leather jacket, made her appear as if she was as well fed as the next person. She quickly came to her senses, however, and turned on the sink, filling her hands with water which she transferred into to her mouth, before splashing some more on her face. She grabbed a paper towel and dried her face, before picking up her aviators from the sink and placing them upon her face. She opened the door and made her way back to the seat, taking no notice of the group of kids now sitting across from her as she slid into her chair by the window. [color=9e0b0f]"Fuck..."[/color] she silently muttered, rubbing her temples with her fingers, as if that would get rid of the headache. [@Blade17][@Animera][@Overlord24]