[color=00aeef][i]Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship.[/i][/color] That’s how the Gilligan’s Island song starts. In our case the ship isn’t so tiny. It is a 160 foot luxury yacht with room for about twice the crew and passengers. And it wouldn’t set sail without the charter being paid for. (I want at least 5 passengers. The remaining passage could be paid for be a wealthy passenger to make sure the cruise wasn’t cancelled.) Not long as the cruise reaches the deep sea, a storm crops up out of nowhere, a storm unlike any the Captain has ever seen. The cruise begins in 2029 - about 10 years from now. It ends in 1927, not long before the end of the Roaring 20’s. Of course, at first the survivors won’t understand why they can’t get even satellite TV, or their sat cell phones can’t get a signal or why GPS won’t work. (Hint: there are no manmade satellites yet in 1927 or for that matter, digital technology.) There is no rescue forthcoming, not even a search. [color=f26522][b]Characters[/b][/color] I am a fan of characters being written up as if for a TV drama. There should be a decent pic and description. The Personality and Background should give readers a feel for the character. Also, feel free to describe their personal belongings. The yacht was beached; it didn’t sink. No pets. The First Mate has a few - which includes a dog and some other critters. Most are very rare. I plan to do the Captain and First Mate. They are a husband and wife. They are NOT a typical crew. The Captain doesn’t really know a lot about boats. (The yacht belongs to his wife. SHE was sailing in races as a child and has been around both Capes more than once. But she lets her husband play Captain. He’s actually a scientist and sci fi writer.) But I will get to that later. Let’s concentrate on you guys. You recall the stereotypes in the TV show? Well, I am not going to restrict us to those, but they are the basic idea. [i]The ship's aground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle with Gilligan, the Skipper too. The millionaire and his wife, the movie star, the professor and Mary Ann, here on Gilligan's Isle[/i] Okay, I am running the equivalent of the Skipper and Gilligan. I may (probably) add in positions for a butler and handyman/purser/security/bartender. (I have a pair I normally use for these roles.) The passenger positions do NOT have to match the ones in the song. For example, the millionaire could have been facing bankruptcy and out for one last vacation. The movie star could be a model, singer, etc. For the rest of you I am going to want you to label your character with a one or two word type. I do NOT want duplicates. Millionaire simply will not cut it here, by the way. Billionaire. This is the 21st century. And ALL of the characters should be modestly wealthy - enough to afford a luxury cruise - even if it meant spending their life savings to do so. I am hoping for a roughly 50/50 mix of sexes. [color=f26522][b]Some suggested Archetypes:[/b][/color] Actress - spending her last husband’s fortune (or half of it anyways). Stage Magician (and maybe his ‘distraction’) Undercover paparazzi looking for a scoop Plastic Surgeon on vacation NFL Football star - retired due to injuries (or maybe accused of shaving points) Money Launderer for the Mob - who in a fit of personal self interest decided to take off with the money when he learned he had six months to live (which was due to technician error - but he got the call after they had left port). [color=f26522][b]Posting[/b][/color] Pretty straight forward here. This is an Advanced RP. However, with conversations and character interaction, I do expect shorter posts. That’s just natural. Please do not create a wall of short posts though. Use Fade to Black when appropriate. If the group needs to get the sense of something going on, give us a hint. I am looking for daily posting if possible. If you can’t commit to at least something close to this, then please do not join. Obviously, if a reply gets to you too late to respond, we’ll have to wait. But none of this once a week posting. Or the constant excuses about work. I get busy with work too. I get sick too. 3rd Person past tense please. I make typos too. But if your speeling is attroshus, use spell chekker. (Ugh … that hurt to write.) I’m not a grammar Nazi though. [color=f26522][b]Plot[/b][/color] Obviously with more advanced technologies it is harder to leave the group with no luxuries, so I won’t even try. I have NO final plans for the end plot. (I hated the TV series Lost. The worst part of it was the ending.) Will the group try to repair the boat and hobble it back to the mainland? Will they be rescued by sheer chance? Will they build a mini civilization? Will they get the occasional visitor? [color=f26522][b]The Island[/b][/color] The Captain will name the Island Isla Nublar - after the fictional one in Jurassic Park. And we can use a map of that island if you like - minus the facilities. The cruise had stops in Long Beach, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Australia, and Japan, plus a few other spots in that vast region. [color=f26522][b]The Yacht[/b][/color] http://www.oceanofnews.com/awesome-futuristic-112-sailboat-with-hybrid-solar-power-technology/ The yacht will be well and truly beached with a nice long gash in its belly. It was solar power with sails that served as additional solar panels. It was heavily cybernetized so that a single man couple operate it. There is a solar distillation system that will still function. The TV will still work, but only for videos. The link above is to a 112’ that says it sleeps 10-12. I just don’t see that - certainly not in luxury. So, I stretched it a bit. The area with the emergency raft holds a 2 man sub. I’ll try to get pics for that because it is cool looking. However, it broke loose when the yacht was beached. There are 4 amphibious ATV’s. Plus there is scuba gear, fishing gear, spearfishing gear. (The spearfishing gear is kept locked up in case passengers bring kids.) The shipwreck will NOT be as primitive as can be.