[center][color=brown]Parum[/color][/center] [color=brown]"For this kind of pay, I'm more worried about enemies in high places. If the guild is paying top coin for us to retrieve this treasure, who knows what others would pay to get it out of our hands. Places like Sapphire aren't known for being all peace and harmony. Regular business can be rather cutthroat, but once you throw in magic and influential forces like the guild, there's always more subterfuge at work than meets the eye. And that's not including Vivian's... Friends."[/color] Parum has seen conspiracies like this before, and engaged in a few herself. What appears to be a simple job turns out to be a key piece to a larger wheel in motion. That's why Parum cared little about the guild's reward to reap the benefits of the chalice herself: who knows what sort of powers were actually involved in all of this, and the halfling had no interest in being their pawn. It was a risky game of course. If she makes the wrong turn then she'd end up with a big target on her back. BUt that's why she was here to make friends after all. Vivian mentioned being visited by someone, which did put Parum on edge. She didn't hear anything amiss. No doubt Vivian's guest was a magic user just like her, which made things all the more complicated. Parum was used to dealing with thieves, burglars, and assassins of the mundane sort, but mages threw a wrench into things. Conventional means to stop others wouldn't work on them, and no doubt if Vivian's guest could make a silent entry so could her enemies. [color=brown]"Viv, you're horrible at keeping a low profile. Barely a day out of the city and with us and you've already been found."[/color] Sighing, Parum took a puff from her pipe. She needed something to calm her nerves and figure out how to survive tonight without some drow assassin slicing her throat. [color=brown]"Hmm... It may be in our best interest if we share rooms together. Watch each other's backs, keep watch tonight. We already know someone is after Viv, so I think she's the one we need to worry most about."[/color]