[center][h2]~| The Jedi Temple on Coruscant |~ ~| Day 1, 11th hour |~[/h2] [h3][u]Denso vs Nisk, Heart of the Temple Room[/u][/h3][/center] Denso shot one of his lightsaber blades upwards, the deep blue clashing with the fierce red of the Sith's weapon. He made another defensive movement, as Nisk lashed out his side with another attack. The well trained Jedi Knight blocked the blow, then swung with his other lightsaber, trying to lock the Zabrak's weapon between the blades. He could see the droids near them. He had to tread carefully around the fearsome machines, if he was not careful then they could fire on him with his back turned. "You're a slippery one, Sith." Denso said with a smirk, then swung his right leg out in a sweeping motion as he tried to trip Nisk and take the aggressive apprentice off his feet.