[quote=@Burning Kitty] He did stand down without a shot fired. He allowed them to take him into custody when he could have leveled a city or a few buildings on top of their heads. [/quote] That's true, but this [i]is[/i] SHIELD we're talking about. So the caution on an unknown meta flying out of the sky and threw buildings, on top of him being a hulk like beast, in addition to seeming to be able to shift at will, given him turning back and going peacefully... The head, unless extremely trusting would probably be weary no matter what. Of course, there are infinite possibilities. I still would find it hard to believe they would be willing to trust or rely on somebody not already on their payroll or under there control in some way shape or form unless the situation at hand called for it. I'm not saying it's an impossibility, it's a purely circumstantial thing. Side note... I'm getting lost in some of my ideas... I know I'm probably using a female, and I was thinking a thermokinetic inhuman, but I'm not quite sure who I would connect her to lineage wise. The reason I'm particularly choosing thermokinesis (or thermal manipulation) is because it's provides many possibilities. At strongest she could be like the highest level of either human torch or iceman able to shift between the heat and cold abilities at will, two heroes she admires, keeping in mind that she wouldn't start off that strong, she'd be considerably weak on multiple fronts actually. But again it's the whole... connecting part. I'm not 100% on who or how. I was initially thinking some how connecting her to Johnny or Crystal. But again, I'm not sure. I've got other ideas, I was just thinking this'd be something fun to toy with.