Alam wasn’t exactly happy with the arrangements that had been made for getting off the island, but it didn’t look like he had any other choice.. Reluctantly and wearily, he climbed atop the “Narlah” and tried to take a seat on the saddle as best as he could. The seat wasn’t comfortable, but he bore with it; it wouldn’t do to fall to his death because he had to shift around. Even if the general gist of the battle being fought on the ground could be seen in the distance, he was much too concerned with his current predicament to pay it much mind. “Fuck…” With that quiet whisper, Alam tensed and closed his eyes as Cercle bolted into a quick run. He bit back a cry of panic as the ground gave way and he felt gravity’s tug, if only for a second. He had flown before, but the sensation felt completely foreign to him this time. It wasn’t until a sharp bark jolted him that Alam opened his eyes a crack, and his vision was filled with black and purple. [b]“Woah,”[/b] he cried out in alarm as he jerked backwards in surprise, pulling his face away from the dog that had brought him here in the first place. He shot the canine a glare, but by then she had already turned away to look otherwhere. With a small groan he took a deep breath and finally turned his gaze outwards. What he saw was tinged with green, probably from the aura that surrounded Cercle, but he looked out only for a few seconds before he gave up with a, “Nope…” --- Alam only really bothered to try and take another look around when he noticed their descent, and his eyebrow climbed at the castle that they had reached. It was, like most things he so far, unlike anything he had seen before. Its grand scale and design felt distinctly European to him; it wasn’t like great stone castles were all that common anywhere else. Still, his admiration quickly took a backseat when the three of them finally managed to touch down in front of the castle gates. One reason being he was quite eager to get off the saddle he had just spent the last while sitting in; the damned thing was uncomfortable as hell and he wasted no time in swinging himself off Cercle’s back. More likely though, it probably had something to do with the person that approached them, and well… her massive assets. He managed to keep his jaw from dropping and his eyes from staring, though he might have stuttered a bit with his, “N-nice to meet you.” He allowed his gaze to be guided towards the changing stalls that had been set up just a bit further away from the main reception. With no idea what sort of “regalia” had been prepared for him, to say Alam was a bit nervous would have been an understatement. He had never been one for the flashiness, but a Hero’s costume had to be eye catching didn’t it? [b]“I’m willing to fight as a Hero… but is a change of clothes really necessary?”[/b] Sure, what he wore at the moment stood out, if only because of its never before seen style, but it was much more comfortable for him to be in. He would relent if the issue was pressed, but if Alam could avoid the problem rather than deal with it, then joy. After all, with Yui still on the fence, they would try their best to keep their only confirmed participant. Right?