Ethan Park Ethan isn't shy at all. He's not shameless. He likes to start off a situation like this so that rest can follow his example. Ethan stood up and faced the crowd to the back of the podium. Caleb and few other counselors are staring at him as Ethan has done something unthinkable. [color=darkkhaki]"Hello, everyone. My name is Ethan Park. I will be in charge of the cabin #2 as a counselor. For those of who are not familiar with the numbering system of the cabin, the cabin is the farthest east cabin. I am extremely excited to be here. I will do my best to anyone who would like to plan the future during this stay in camp so that they can face the hardship of the world. I may not have the most life experience, but I learned how to plan from one of the best."[/color] Ethan had courses in career development as a minor in his education program. It was situated in the building houses many psychology research center and library, where he spent some time during the exam season. For some odd reason, the library in the psychology building was quite. Also, the professor who taught those classes were authoritative on that subject, even invited to the TedTalk.