[color=ed1c24]Character Has Been Accepted Via PM's with the GM. Rhyme time.[/color] [hider=Starless Knight (Pun Intended)] [IMG]http://i626.photobucket.com/albums/tt348/Mechakitten/Knight%20Project%20Arms%202.png~original[/IMG] [color=fff200]Real Name:[/color] Unknown [color=fff200]Nickname(s):[/color] Unknown [color=fff200]Villain Name:[/color] Starless Knight [color=fff200]Villain:[/color] BAD. SO BAD. [color=fff200]Gender:[/color] Not Apparent (Any pronoun is fine) [color=fff200]Age:[/color] Not Apparent [color=fff200]Appearance: [/color] Starless Knight stands at an impressive height, towering over most people, and constantly banging their head into doorways (8ft tall precisely). Their silver armor is dull and doesn't look to be entirely metal-- almost as if it were made from something semi-organic-- and it's slightly warm to the touch. A large claw, spiked, acting as a form of shield, is what their left arm has transformed into. Their right arm ends at the wrist and turns into a lance from there, fully attached to their being. A mane of fibers extends from the base of their helmet, made from the same odd material as their body, which possesses the ability to act as a barrier or a whip to deflect projectiles. Two silver orbs glow from within the dark recess of the "helmet" which act as eyes. Every bit of the armor has no clear means of removal, heavily implying that it is part of the Starless Knight's body, instead of traditional assembled armor. A large chain with a dazzling blue gem is worn around the Starless Knight's neck and it is unbearably cold to the touch. [color=fff200]Sexuality:[/color] [s]HONORABLE![/s] Asexual [color=fff200]Weapon(s): [/color] Arm Lance. Arm Shield. Whip like "hair". [color=fff200] Main Power: [/color] [color=f7941d]- Light Of The Stars - [/color]The lance can become empowered and glow a bright white making it both an eyesore and able to hit twice as hard as it otherwise can. It also has an advantage against shadow or darkness based abilities and can act as a pretty cool night light, if needed. [color=f7941d]- Coldness of Space -[/color] The chill of a starless void accompanies the Starless Knight's presence. When unleashed in full, the power of the gem worn around their neck empowers their attacks with ice based elemental abilities. The Starless Knight gets creative with the attacks-- freezing the ground, tossing around gusts of sub-zero winds, and even coating themselves in ice as an armor of sorts. Temperatures continue to sink in a large radius around the Starless Knight until the gem's power is deactivated. [color=fff200]Sub Power: [/color] [color=f7941d]- Tough As Armor -[/color] Starless Knight's body is extremely tough-- made of a material that rivals that of titanium. This means it's definitely not impossible to break, dent, or penetrate. [color=f7941d]- Too Much Stamina - [/color]Running extreme distances, fighting hard for long periods of time, and not sleeping for days accompanies Starless Knight's abilities. They can become tired, of course, but it takes a large amount of exertion to do so. This results in day or longer resting periods. [color=f7941d]- Transformed State -[/color] Rumor has it that Starless Knight possesses the ability to transform into something else... hopefully nothing stronger than what they currently are. [color=fff200]Personality:[/color] The honorable Starless Knight acts from a place of old school "chivalry" and upstanding morality. Constantly insisting that the evildoers must be purged, Starless Knight tirelessly hunts down heroes, meeting them on even ground and challenging them to combat. They don't like to take the lives of innocents, the defenseless, the otherwise helpless, and take a large amount of care not to cause unnecessary damage to the town or anyone's property. Starless Knight has been seen saving people from other villains on several occasions-- even going so far as to kill said villains, when their crimes were particularly heinous. As far as the Starless Knight is concerned, if you wield a weapon against them, you have declared yourself a threat-- capable of defending yourself-- and should either run or face elimination. They do not hold back their abilities when necessary and will use every ounce of their power if need be-- that being said, the Starless Knight doesn't believe in excessive force, dirty fighting, or "messy kills." In Starless Knight's eyes, your end will be swift, neat, and justified. [color=fff200]History:[/color] Unknown. However, a peculiar missing person's report cropped up around the same time the Starless Knight appeared. It could be coincidental or related... depends on interpretation, really. (PM if you want to work out how your character may be able to obtain the details.) [color=fff200] Reason for Becoming a Villain: [/color] [s]Voodoo man dun up n wiggle waggle fingers mind control[/s] Behold Starless Knight, puppet of the Voodoo Man. Their intentions were once angry, spiteful, but good. Starless Knight was focused only on becoming a better hero than any others-- better than the ones that had disappointed the person they used to be. This made Starless Knight all too easy to manipulate into villainy. The Voodoo man offered them power enough to become a better hero-- power to freeze enemies in their tracks. The more heroes they defeated, the more Starless Knight's views twisted horribly-- No hero is good enough! All the weaker ones must be eliminated, else they hurt or harm those they mean to protect. So long as the Starless Knight is able to fight and win against heroes, they will continue their hunt, weeding out the weak from the strong, and crushing those up and coming vigilantes and do-gooders deemed unworthy. Starless Knight feels as if they will eventually be the last hero standing-- the only one capable of doing any good-- and then, only then, will the city and it's people be safe. [color=fff200]Other:[/color] [color=39b54a]- Critical Weakness To Fire -[/color] Small exposure is okay. Maybe even standing in a fire... but being constantly heated for prolonged periods of time without any let up? You want a melted Knight? That's how you get a melted knight. [color=39b54a]- Lightning Rod -[/color] Lightning and electrical based attacks WILL hit Starless Knight with 100% accuracy every time. Prolonged exposure to lightning or electricity causes the same effects as prolonged exposure to flame. See above. [color=39b54a]- TOO MUCH HONOR -[/color] If someone yields to Starless Knight and begs to be spared, more than likely, Starless Knight will let them live, but only if they "swear on their honor" that they will abide by whatever Starless Knight demands of them. However, fool them once and you don't get a twice. [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Character has been Accepted Via PM's with GM's.[/color]