What they were talking about sounded dangerous. Why would something need to help against Leona? Amelie frowned as she kept attention to each person that they were currently talking to, just in case- Amelie reacted instinctively. What the knight said to Kael just before firing tipped her off and she was able to manifest a Redirection Orb in time. She turned wide-eyed in confusion as she reached forward, making it obvious she was the one creating the Redirection Orb in front of Kael. The orb took the arrow and sent it crashing into an adjacent building. She didn't understand why he had been fired upon, while she didn't trust the two police it still felt like it came out of nowhere. While she had a lot of questions, she did not get any time to ask them. From the corner of her eye she noted Hiecro turning for her. She didn't have the time to manifest a new Redirection Orb. With no other counter-plan available to her, she'd try to throw herself aside, if she at all got the time to react. If she was hit... then if the impact was magical, it'd go straight through her defensive wards. If the impact was physical, her wards would take a blow but likely save her at least this once, yet any magical effect may still take root. Then she'd likely be screaming and rolling trying to save herself from immediate doom. Likely without it working. If she was somehow successful in surviving, then she'd spin around to face them and raise a Redirection Orb around herself where she lay, terrified and confused, eyeing the knights while shaking in fright.