Ares The strike from Varen has struck Ares in the shoulder, but by the time Varen has finished his strike, Ares' hand along with his HP bar has restored to his full HP as if nothing has happened to him. Seeing this, Ares let out a sigh. "And here I thought I would be facing another person who could overcome my 'Regen' like Garrows, I must've gotten my hopes up..." Perhaps due to that letdown, Ares had failed to notice his own status effect, and now to think about it, he doesn't even need to maintain his guard against Azumi. Not even her Sarge of Strength skill has any significance to the Warchief's HP bar. Ares swung his sword on a wide arc towards Azumi & Varen, its glow indicating the use of <> effect. Athel [color=c4df9b][i]You're kidding me...[/i][/color] Athel gulped at that unbelievable <> of that Warchief. But then she realized that Varen is using a different Spear, with a different type of effect known as debuff. Observing Azumi's attack later on, she realized one thing, the debuff effect on the Warchief is actually working, albeit insignificantly. [color=c4df9b][i]Three--- no, we need Four stacks of Varen's debuff to do anything to this Warchief... For his level, that debuff would last 4 seconds at most. Within four seconds for each strike... make four successions of that debuff skill... [/i][/color] Athel had been clashing with PKers long enough to figure out things like that, and this is the [i]easiest [/i]way she can think of to take down the Warchief. [color=c4df9b]"Impossible? No, it can be done..."[/color] Athel murmured to herself. At the moment she saw Ares starting his skill and swinging down to her fellow party members, she immediately used her skill to drag him towards her, making the Warchief miss his intended targets but instead, redirecting the attack to herself. She knew that at all costs, Varen must not be Silenced, as a clear opening has been made for Varen & Azumi, she shouted, [color=c4df9b]"NOW!"[/color]