1) I think [@JBRam2002] nailed it down with the whole rival House being rolled like some real gangsta shit. Not only that but Harriet was also kind of involved in generally fucking with and killing the nobility in the Northern Elven city with [@Ms Ravenwinter]. There are lots people who can hate us for doing all kinds of things! Harbinger's character fighting with us in the war would also be coo. Maybe we all kind of ended up being a kind of A-Team during the conflict? They do the jobs that are too big and too important to leave to the common soldiers! Insert theme song with shredding guitar here. 2) Team up with the crazy anti-social forest cat man to defend the wild from other world incursions? I think that sounds like a kick ass story and a great way to meet up with [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]'s character. I think JB had a solid idea here. 3) If the portal we closed was something like a Feywild Thinny(Dark Tower talk, sorry) it might have been dangerous and damaging in the grander sense, but, if we closed it, there may have been a lasting effect on the Material Plane. The natural order being thrown off, forests dying, that kind of stuff. Perhaps now we team up with the mega-cat to try to set things right. 4) Fucking Warlocks. I mean, they just can't ever seem to keep their grubby hands off crazy shit. Perhaps this was a binding ritual gone very wrong, or, very right. Something about the portal was not 'normal'. Fabricated, called into being by powerful forces. 5) I agree with JB here as well. The Raven Queen is cool as fuck. Maybe the person who saw what we did, or maybe they were planning on fixing it themselves before we beat them to it. A high ranking member of the clergy or cult or whatever they would call themselves. 6) Plenty of mistrust from time to time. In the end, you can't really trust nobles to not act like nobles, right? You also certainly can't trust Harriet and Harbinger's character to follow the rules of the world at large when they see something wrong with it. Why do we stay together? Man, a band of misfits like us has to. Plus, all the crazy love hexagon. Harriet has strong feelings in general and two of the people in the group are past romantic partners. Harriet doesn't turn her back on the people she loves, ever. ALSO, ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL QUESTION: 15)[color=aba000] "Care 'bout'em? You joshin' me? Scaleass and I go way back. Taught 'im 'ow to get his nails dirty and how to 'ave fun. All 'is sense of 'umor, my doin'. Squeaks an' me are great too! She's a lil' dour from time t'time, but, get 'er riled up and boy'o'boy, watch the sparks fly! Fuzzy's a new one, but, e's good sort. Likes the woods an' animals, not bad on th'eyes either. Hahah! Maddame is nice, lil' too nice I think, but, that's a fixable issue now ain't it? She owns a bunny house, ya know. Now, that's a type t'keep 'round ya. 'Sides, gotta show her where Sparky is ticklish."[/color]