As Utah was walking over to the exit, she heard someone yelling at her. She looked at California [@GingerBoi123], the freelancer who was gesturing broadly at her by the large metal doors. He then proceeded to ask Zeta. “Zeta, who’s that?” [color=yellow]“Data is insufficient…”[/color] Utah then glanced over her shoulder to see the other freelancer, Iowa [@Letmedostuff], still inside the Training area making his way to the exit. “What about him?” [color=yellow]“Data is insufficient…”[/color] “Well aren’t you helpful?... Ah fuck it I’ll just talk to ‘em; after that, let’s see if this place has a kill-house.” Utah’s sarcasm didn’t seem to bother Zeta. Zeta was more of the reserved type of AI, which included not being very chatty, but when it came down to it, Utah and Zeta made a good match. “Uh… Yeah, I heard, I was just up there…” Utah pointed at her previous position with her free hand, while shouldering her DMR with the other. She proceeded to walk as she continued in conversation with California. “It was a good place to watch the action from…” Her words drooped with sarcasm, a stark contrast to her serious behavior no more than a few moments ago. Brushing off her previous statement, she extended a hand promptly towards California, by way of greeting. “Name’s Utah by the way, not ‘[i]Recon Armour[/i]’.”