So as to length of time RPing, it's been...ugh. Almost twenty years, now? Dang but I am old. I started when I was twelve with birthday gifts of dice and watching my parents play AD&D, and it never stopped. Though I've been on other sites and whatnot, the whole play-by-post thing is still new-ish to me, so my response times and writing level tend to vary wildly based on extenuating factors, like schooling. I tend towards fantasy, whether modern or medieval style, and some sci-fi. I also enjoy superhero shenanigans occasionally. I adore world building, so lore-intensive and character-arc heavy plays are kinda my wheelhouse. I tend to suck at dialogue, though, because there's only so much you can say in a big post before you're runnin' over other people, right? Other interests aside from what brought me here(creative writing and teamwork) include my bad addiction to turn-based strategy games, armchair philosophy, geeking out over any sort of biology(I am studying to be a science teacher) and really anything that strikes my flighty fancy. So yeah. That's me. Hi.