[s][i][i][b]UNDER DEVELOPMENT! OMO! [/b][/i][/i] I'm looking to create a role play based on the comic [u][b]"Slightly Damned"[/b][/u] that is [b]fun yet functional[/b] to have multiple people in at once. The comic: http://www.sdamned.com/ ^M^ I want to find ways so when [b]people appear and disappear[/b] it makes sense to the story, so when things like life get in the way there can be an explanation/ alternative thing we can do with the people who can't always rolepley. IDEA!= perhaps when someone hasn't said anything for like a "week"(place holder) then there after if a player interacts with the other who isnt around they will suddenly be seen as turned to stone... Im thinking aloud and will make a canon reason later (this story canon). Canon roles... Rhea, Buwaro ect,(When someone leaves their role, perhaps someone can take their place, but maybe due to possession ooOoo~) --- [hider=WIP Character sheet][hider=Appearance(s):] (Description or image of your curry trrr)[/hider] Name(s): (Names you tell others you go by for what ever reason. List a birth name otherwise N/A & nicknames :3) Initial History: Info on how you came to be, and how you got to the current status you are now in the story (your first post.) [Initial data should include: Creation/born, items you carry, special knowledge-can be secret for plot reasonS-talk to me or mod if you want some secret past events to not be know here uwu, Languages, ECT... (Things your character has exp/has-otherwise if not stated must happen somehow in the roleplay IC- can't use the past that you didn't create(). Be sure to use this section to your advantage uwu.)] Role-play History: (History that you'd like to list that's relate-able to your character with in this roleplay for what ever reason. Things such as when you first met a special character or picked up that oddly arousing rock by the name Thadius. This is just a nice section you can use when role-playing to share or use as a tool for reference )[/hider] --- Notable things :3 [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/slightlydamned/images/a/aa/Angel_Sun_Emblem.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20120805143758[/img][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/slightlydamned/images/8/87/Angel_Star_Emblem.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20120706140658[/img][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/slightlydamned/images/0/01/Angel_Moon_Emblem.png/revision/latest?cb=20120706140542[/img] Gods and Demigods: Death, Mother Gaia, Father Syndel, Twelve Guardians of Medius, Cerberus, Fairy Queen, Races/Stereotypes... (Jakkai, Humans, Khamega, Mixlings, Fairies, Demons, Angels, Wright Wyvern, Mortori bird, Dragon, Custom...(You :3) Locations... (Medius, Fragaria, St. Curtis, Purgatory, "Ring of the Slightly Damned", "Maps", travel/transport) Activities... (Actions, fun vs boredum) Conflicts... Refs... http://slightlydamned.wikia.com/wiki/Slightly_Damned_Wiki (If role-play canon say otherwise we'll list it :) ) (list suggestions or just say im interested in joining if you wish uwu) don't forget you can update your posts [/s]