[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] the Wyndham Estate ---> Crypt Townhouse; near the Strand, London[/center][hr][hr]Virginia frowned ever so slightly. It seemed incredibly shortsighted to her that no one would be able to glimpse the meanings of dreams. There were such wonderful and mysterious talents that could be learned--surely there must be one to aid in this situation? Those dreams were some terrible prophecies, Virginia was quite sure of it. She fell so wrapped in her own thoughts that she barely nodded in confirmation at Millicent as to their rendez-vous an hour prior to Almack's. And by the time that Virginia found herself once again, she was in the carriage headed back to the townhouse. She frowned again, picking at her strands of hair. She glanced out the windows of the carriage, attempting to recall how she had left the Wyndham Estate--ah, yes, Millicent had escorted her outside of the estate. It would be troubling to some to become so lost in thought, but it was relatively common for Virginia. It was a dreamy absence that she had in common with her dear mother. [color=9999ff]"To the townhouse, please,"[/color] Virginia instructed her driver. Word of the day's events had already been sent on to Alfred, and Virginia knew that her butler likely would already have some proper attire assembled for her. She crinkled her nose, the way an ordinary person would at the thought of death and poison and treachery, when she thought of the events of the Season and their etiquette. The Crypts never did quite enjoy those social events. She shuddered for a moment, recalling a distant [i]friend[/i] of the family. The woman, Deborah, would wear the brightest pink and cling to any man of significant fortune that she could find. She had left such a distaste in the mouth of the Crypt family, that [i]Debbie.[/i]