I present this lil' nurd for the [s]overlord[/s] GM's viewing! [hider=Dennis Morrison] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Dennis Morrison [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age (18+):[/b] 25 [b]Appearance (Description or face claim):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/89/87/90/898790cf37412332173f2ce5940fdb48.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] You can say I'm along the lines of what most people would consider a 'nerd'--dorky, reserved, and way too eager for a new videogame than getting an invite to the latest party. Stereotypes aside, however, I like to think of myself as an otherwise friendly person. I like meeting new people, even if I am a bit awkward at first, and I'm eager to try new things. If you give me a job to do, just know that I'll be hard at work. I'm not fond of fighting, conflict, or just trouble in general, and I'll try to find a compromise if I can. To add to it all, I'm a terrible liar. As in, twitching all the time [i]awful[/i]. So you'll never have to worry if I'm dishonest. I'm generous to a fault, and prefer to look on the bright side if things go awry. [b]Bio:[/b] I guess you can say that I'm the black sheep of my family. Or, more accurately, the scrawny sheep in my athletic, Olympian flock. Among my staggering six siblings, I'm the only one who has never taken an interest in sports. That's not to say my parents never tried. My football coach of a dad tried to push me to be the quarterback when I was in middleschool (I ended up as the mascot, which wasn't that bad) and my crossfitting health-junkie of a mother force fed me her own recipe of disturbingly colored 'organic strength shakes' (which was [i]really[/i] that bad). Of course, I never really took that kind of life. Instead, I gravitated towards computers and technology and the question of 'How does [i]this[/i] work?" rather than "How can [i]I[/i] work?". It was admittedly intimidating, especially under the shadow of a sister aiming for the Olympics and a brother who could probably benchpress a baby elephant on his offday. But my family was supportive nonetheless, and I ended up graduating from a good university with major in computer science. Now here I am, looking to put that learning to use. [b]Skills:[/b] -Computer whizz -Can do math really fast in his head. -Really tall so he can reach high places. -Knows how to make a really good cake. Only cake. Nothing else. But it's [i]really[/i] good. -Somehow manages to understand most sports. [b]Are you a serious person?:[/b] Seriously. [/center] [/hider]