[center][color=f7976a][H1]Miranda Burke.[/H1][/color] [img]http://49.media.tumblr.com/4fa1772998444bd15a08e866f49e4a13/tumblr_n6b8gnkCU41rlh2v4o2_250.gif[/img] [color=f7976a]Location: Sky Lakes Medical Center. Interacting With: Xerxes Arvanitis [@YoshiSkittlez], Quinton Matson, Cassandra Arvanitis, Connor Vos and Cody Treadwell [@Caits], Gage Brooks and Aron Brooks [@BlackPanther], Sebastian Monroe [@December], Zoé Flores, Syleste (Vos) Nioré and Kaylee Evans. [@Vicier], [/color] [hr][hr] Everything was a real whirlwind in her mind now, nothing really made sense she was confused, scared and god knows what else. Miranda was not what she is known for right now, she was known for being friendly, confident and more times than most was always there for her friends. Weather it was simply to have someone to talk to or shoulder to cry Miri most of the time was there for those she deemed closest to her. However, right now she probably needed as much comfort as the others, and understanding. The gentle squeeze of her hand from Cassandra was very comforting right now and she was grateful to have such an amazing and wonderful friend. Her mind was racing with thoughts and worries, one could probably see it in her eyes that right now she was lost, just standing there silent holding Cassie’s hand and looking a right mess, Miranda couldn’t understand it but she was psychically feeling wat better than she looked. It was when Zoe suddenly spoke up that snapped Miri out of it and look at the alpha as she began to explain to them how their world would never be the same again. [color=Plum]“..everything you think you know about this world… forget it. Because there is a whole ‘nother side to life that you have never seen… one that we’ve tried so hard to keep you from finding out about…”[/color] Forget everything that she thought she knew about this world?? And now there is another side to this world! One that they tried to keep herself and all friends from? Miranda wasn’t going to lie, Zoe was not making much sense but nothing did right now. Hell, Zoe was even apologizing for not being able to stop the wolf attack and it was her mistake. No, Miranda was not accepting that, it was not Zoe’s fault or her mistake in the blonde’s eyes. How could it be? It was not as if Zoe had a crystal ball telling her that they were going to be attacked. [color=Plum]“All but two of you are healed, aren’t you..? No pain… no injuries… and you know deep down, that you feel better than you ever have before in your entire lives…”[/color] Her voice trailed off for Miranda not really taking in the last part of the sentence in. Healed, No pain or injuries… Now that she thought about it, Zoe was right. Miranda did feel better, much better than she could remember and there was no pain… like at all. She only snapped back quick at the word of werewolf and that Cassie had start crying into her father, she wished she could do more but felt helpless to do anything about it. Everything for a little while was like a blur, her lips parted ever so slight as she took to do slow control breaths while her mind processed everything Zoe had said. Even if she didn’t really listen to it all, her mind had registered it, she missed what was going on around her Conner’s revelation of what Kaylee was, that was another girl Miri clicked with, she was a pretty awesome chick, and bonus… She is an Aussie. Hell, Miri completely missed that Gage was making for the door with Syleste, it still tore her apart to see the pink haired girl like that. Xerxes soon spoke up, however her friend’s father seemed to be aiming his words over to where Kaylee and Conner at the back of the room but it was not hard to add to the ever-growing list of things she wishes she could ask but was too afraid to do so. Now there was an amendment to the list that seem to grow. It wasn’t just werewolves, now there were weredingo’s… whatever the hell they were, and siren’s. Also, another thing, way was the guy stripping? First his lab coat and then his jacket before slipping out of his shirt. Did Miranda just miss a memo somewhere? But that was not why she was paying attention it was more to what he was saying, Klemeth falls, her home was drawing in the supernatural? Now it was turning into an episode of twilight. But the biggest thing that spoke out to her was him saying that Zoe was speaking the truth, to her that spoke volumes in her mind but couldn’t understand why Zoe was not mentioning all this right now? [b][i]'thwoop'[/i][/b] Her reaction was instant, Miranda stepped back a little as the man she thought she knew well from all the time she had spent at Cassie’s house suddenly sprouted wings, Sure it made her jump, heck if it was for this change she was going through Miri would have probably yelped but she was staring at the guy wide eyed. He asked for forgiveness from Cassie before doing so and she could see why he did by popping wings out from his back. Miri was speechless and was tempted to glance over at Zoe, she could not understand it but… It felt like something was… different about her, About her alpha. But right now, she was distracted by the wings and the daughter/father moment in front of her. It made Miri think of her parents, how worried they would be and it did bring a tear to her eye a smiled a little at it. What happened next was nothing short of Miranda having to blink twice at what she was seeing and hearing coming from Cassie as she approached Zoe. But somehow, Miranda seemed to understand where she was coming from and why she was doing it, how could that makes sense? Was there her werewolf side? Now that is a scary thought. But back to what she and the other just bared witness to, Cassandra just claimed Zoe as her alpha, was that how it worked? Miri didn’t know but seeing and hearing everything Cassandra did carried weight, she was right, they were not alone though. Moments later the guy at the back with Kaylee spoke up, she didn’t know him but he did announce his name and explain a little before doing the same thing, stating they wanted Zoe as there alpha if she accepted them. Soon Aron accepted Zoe to, but not after a little squabble with his twin, Gage was certainly not as accepting and was holding onto Syleste, she could understand why he is reluctant, not because of what was going on at their home, honestly, she had not spoken to them enough to really catch on, but because of the current confusing situation they found themselves in after a life-threatening attack. Soon enough Sebastian spoke up, it was clear to see he was not like them, even the sweet innocent little Syleste was not like them, they were both still injured and broken. How come they did not change like the rest of them though? But both were still her friends, would that still count for something now? Either way as time seemed to pass on by, even if slowly. Miranda found herself standing there like a lemon all this time watching and taking everything in, it was clear she was thinking as it was probably written all over her face, but the truth was she is. She didn’t know why but she kept finding herself looking at Zoe as if contemplating, the alpha had come to find her, reunite her with her friend, even kissed her forehead and told her everything was going to be alright and to trust her, and truth be told Miranda trusted her even before all this tonight. After seeing everything unfold the way it did, Miri knew things were going to be different now and needed to make the first step towards accepting that. Soon she smiled a little at the woman, if she was to be [i]‘claimed’[/i] as her alpha, then Miranda could not think of anyone more capable than Zoe. Zoe did not fail them tonight, she gave them a second chance at life, even if it was different now. Before she knew it, Miranda found herself stepping over to Zoe before she took the womans hand in hers, Miranda then looked into Zoe’s eyes with her own, a more noticeable smile on her features as she spoke softly. [color=f7976a]“I won’t pretend to say I understand what is going on, because I don’t”[/color] She paused for a moment. [color=f7976a]“Back in the hallway out there you told me to trust you… Zoe, I have always trusted you with all my heart, you have been so good to me ever since I came to you looking for work.”[/color] She gave Zoe’s hand a gentle squeeze. [color=f7976a]“You have given us a second chance at life, no matter how different it may be… You gave us all another chance. I don’t blame you Zoe, I thank you.”[/color] Miranda paused for a moment with some tears in her eyes. [color=f7976a]“I am probably not doing this right, but you are more than just my boss, more than just my friend, You... are my alpha and I gladly accept that”[/color] When Miranda finished with those last words she leaned in pressing her lips softly against her alpha’s cheek, holding the action for a few moments before she stepped back and to Zoe's side. She quickly glanced over to Cassandra with an assuring smile. [color=f7976a]“I am glad not to be alone to.”[/color] She spoke softly.[/center]