Character's Name: Elizabeth Octavius [hider=Octavius Family Crest] [img][/img] [/hider] Character's Age: 18 Characters Century: Post Disaster Appearance: Elizabeth has black hair that changes halfway down to end in white tips, done up in a ponytail that reaches between her shoulder blades. Her body is lean and toned with her family's symbol on her left shoulder. She usually wears a tanktop that exposes her midriff with the Gjallerhorn coat being tied around her waist. The woman's pilot suit is White with purple detailings and "Indomita virtus et optimi viri de Octavuis 'Legio Sanctus" written on the helmet which roughly translates to "Indomitable strength of the loyal warriors of Octavuis' Holy Legion". Genetic Type: Human: AV implanted Biography: Elizabeth's story begins in the calamity war. her family earned a Gundam frame by being loyal fighters. They gave killing blows towards the families of the seven stars for mobile armors, as a form of repayment and further favors. However, over time, despite embracing what saved humanity, the AV system; Gjallerhorn grew corrupt and the loyalty of the family and power they once held was degraded till the current day. In order to survive and keep financially afloat, running dirty missions they were barely compensated for, the family had to sell of parts of their gundam. first weapons, then armor before starting to sell the limbs of the frame, leaving them with only a torso. Current day, the family is left with one heir, a few members, a single ship and the twin ahab reactors of the gundam frame in the torso. Having just finished a mission, she and her order were ambushed, the little power they had left hanging by a thread, the rivaling family trying to take them out and fill their role. Elizabeth herself was born to the family as one half of a pair of twins. She and her brother grew until they could have the surgery for AV done. She had worked herself up to two as her brother only had one by that point in time. At the age of eight, her brother had two more implanted. The girl didn't want to lose her heir status and got the surgery as well, twice, bringing herself to four of them. Her brother saw this and backed down, the girl having secured the heir status, started leading missions in the Family's Graze Legionnaire suits. The times had come for her family, brother having passed on in years prior, the woman was now the only thing between her family being wiped out and continuing on. With her forces weakened, another family made a move on her and now she's in the run of her life. Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit: 1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: Graze Legionnaire [img][/img] List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons: 1xDMR long range rifle 8X Missile tubes in 2x turets Solid One handed long sword, extreme heating capable Possesses a transportation ship containing her suit and the Gundam Torso