[quote=@The Kid Lantern] I like what I see! Just let me know what your backstory will be for Johnny Storm as he's somewhere in his late 50's to early 60's. Iceman would be a bit younger as the time displaced original X-Men still happened, so Iceman could be in his early 40's and teaching something at the Xavier's Institute or coaching a skiing team somewhere. ~KL~ [/quote] I hear ya. i was thinking about it. I didn't wanna put go too into detail in the CS cause you seemed to be stressing BRIEF history XD [hider=Basically]Well taking age into consideration was part of the reason why I decided that Lucida wasn't born the natural way lol Ahura, would still be a pretty young king, and Crystal would be pretty old too, and probably serve as an advisor of sorts, maybe one of the council now. I think it's Council. Johnny would probably live in Atillan, he's got some special stuff with the inhumans and he'd be with Crystal and he could also be advising, although as a sort of bridge between society and the Inhumans because they'd likely still be heavily isolationist. Besides, it's kinda just him and Ben left now (technically you know?). So I'd like to think they keep in touch even if only a little now, old age and all that. And he's wisened up quite a bit in the past years. And he probably would help Lucinda in her appeal to go out into the world as part of a kind of outreach program. Kind of like how T'Challa went to school, she'd do something similar. Maybe go to Empire State University. For... Reasons... I mean this is basic, I could change whatever. Planning for Johnny is tough cause of all the shit that went down, and the Inhumans have their laws and crap... [/hider] [quote=@The Kid Lantern] [@Demon Shinobi] I'm good with this so long as [@BlackSam3091] ia good with it. ~KL~ [/quote] Awesome... Just gotta give her a look... How do you make your images?? Out of curiosity XD