Between worlds there is one common truth war it always brings out the worst and even in times of peace does it have the chance to rear its head. Though with great conflict comes a desire to stop it a way to bring peace. But the road to hell is always paved with good intentions. So let the battle begin warriors from across the world will you fight or will band together against a unknown enemy? Suits from various dimensions was sent out near mars a large group of angular suits with transformation capabilities was spotted. Near a unknown satellite suits known for protection was guarding it with a fervor. Everywhere unknown suits was found and engaging in combat seeking out warriors to test their skills. In others square visored units was harassing fighters of great skills. Each unit a purpose was given find the best and bring them to him..... [h2]Mission Report[/h2] [b]Unknown Mobile Dolls has been reported lately find the source and a put a stop to it.[/b] [h2]Alice Kinneas[/h2] Alice read the report and let out a small sigh looks like this would be another solo mission the other gundams being unable to do a stealthy approach like this one demanded. Alice let out a small sigh shitty higher ups not thinking things through. She managed to track down the majority of the activity to a satellite. It also seemed a majority of the mobile dolls was based here following a preset program more than likely. Still it seems as though the things was programmed with the bare limits to make it function protection it seemed. “So the shitty higher ups was right about something huh?” She said once more trying to attack one of the more oddly rotoned suits only for the beam scythe to not scratch the plating. Seeing as her main weapon was a no go and the rest was overly scattered for the patrol she quickly grabbed the frog like head before ramming the knee spike on the deathscythe into the neck joint quickly silencing it. Thankfully it was stunned suitably enough for her to do that stunt. Takings its oddly shaped chopper with with her just in case she sped forward only for the Satellite to explode quickly knocking back her suit leaving her in a debris field with multiple of the rotoned frog suits approaching.