PENDING REVIEW FROM AMAZING GM [@Lmpkio] [hider=The "King of Humanity"] [center] [h1][color=aba000]Kingu Gidora[/color][/h1] [Img][/img] [hider=Kaiju form][img][/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] [color=aba000]King Ghidorah キング ヒドラ[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=aba000]Male[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=aba000]Unknown[/color] [b]Race:[/b] [color=aba000]Alien Kaiju[/color] [b]Faction:[/b] [color=aba000]Earth Defenders[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=aba000]In his change of stance from "destroying all human life" to "becoming a benevolent ruler over humanity", Ghidorah has gained a touch for the theatrical. Every matter becomes important, from the loss of a hairbrush to the mysterious disappearance of Mount Fuji via Atomic Breath. Somehow, he will butt all three noses into the situation and in some way turn it up to ridiculousness. Arrogant, prideful, and tragically beautiful are the usual words that would describe him. His vanity knows no bounds, making sure that all of his scales shine brightly all the time when in kaiju form, and keeping himself tidy in human form. Condescending towards all those around him, even his fellow kaiju, and cocky to a fault, Ghidorah makes himself out as the royal liege, the king of the world, and the most spoiled brat of all of the Earth Defenders. While each of his heads in kaiju form have differing personalities and ways of thinking, they all fuse consciousnesses when he changes to human form, causing all of his perplexities to triple in intensity. The GDF and other human organizations are a strange subject for him. While they are technically under his "rule", he does not actively protect them or their fighters like he would his fellow Kaiju or humanity in general. He will accept their assistance, but if they ever got in his way he would destroy them as quickly he would a threat. Fighting is always done full blast, no quarter is ever given and all tricks are used from the get go. Ghidorah doesn't believe in saving attacks for a finishing blow, sending everything at his foes and keeping the tempo until the end. There is no such thing as sneak attacks, all fights are done face to face, power against power. When it seems he might lose, he will turn tail and flee, as with all of his previous iterations. But, when he tries to flee, he never leaves his comrades behind, making sure that he drags them along with despite their misgivings. "Fight quick, fight hard. When it gets tough, run and live to fight another day," is his motto in the heat of battle. However, in the most crucial of moments, when the chips are down, and the world is out of time, there will be no retreat from the Three-headed Dragon. When it comes to protecting the human race, he will do anything and everything to save his "minions", even if some of the things he'd do aren't always... "legal". You can put your trust in him to stand until the bitter end.[/color] [b]History:[/b] [color=aba000]King Ghidorah's history before coming to Earth is unknown, but it has been speculated that he had once attacked Venus millennia ago, wiping out the civilization. He later attacked Earth on multiple occasions, almost always intercepted by Godzilla, the "King of Monsters", before he could destroy the civilizations of Earth. Whether it was because of his own prompting, or the influence of alien organizations, King Ghidorah was forced to clash with Earth's defenders, each time either escaping by the skin of his teeth, or being obliterated, only to be revived in some way or fashion. However, as his most recent incarnation was revived, and the people of humanity believed Ghidorah was about to attack once more, he just... stopped. He did nothing but stare at the city he was about to attack, his Gravity Beams dying away from within his massive maws. The humans below stared back up at the creature as he loomed over them, and watched as he took flight and flew away, not to be seen again for a time. Months after the incident, there were sightings of a strange man with golden wings and horns traveling Japan, making laughable claims of being royalty, and that he was the "True King of Humanity". It was only weeks later, when King Ghidorah was sighted stopping a meteor from striking the planet, and changing into the form of the strange man near the blast sight, that people understood who he truly was.[/color] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [/center] [hider= The Might of the Gravity Dragon] [color=aba000]Gravity Beams[/color] - Arguably the most powerful attacks in his arsenal, the Gravity Beams shot from each of his mouths in Kaiju form rival the power of Godzilla's [i]Atomic Breath[/i], capable of destroying mountains in the blink of an eye when all three are focused on a single target. While in human form, he is unable to use this ability. [color=aba000]Durability, and Enhanced Strength[/color] - Ghidorah's body is very powerful, known to be capable of shrugging off conventional weaponry without care, as well as taking point blank [i]Atomic Breaths[/i] from Godzilla without flinching. The strength of his wings flapping can create hurricanes, knocking over giant monsters and mecha alike, and his necks are capable of strangulating another monster like a boa constrictor. While his [i]Gravity Beams[/i] are truly threatening, his powerful body is what keeps him in the fight, allowing him to take more hits than anyone, as well as return the damage in turn. His durability is shared with his human form, as well as his strength. [color=aba000]Flight[/color] - Ghidorah can fly at extreme speeds, reaching Mach 3 in the Earth's atmosphere, and exceeding that in the vacuum of space. When traveling from planet to planet, he is capable of encasing himself inside of a meteorite. Even when his wings are injured, Ghidorah is able to use a sort of levitation using magnetic fields, but not true flight. While in human form, he is unable to reach Mach speeds, but still retains his ability to fly. [color=aba000]Electric Bolts[/color] - From each his wings, Ghidorah can fire six bolts of lighting that sear and electrocute all they touch, scrambling nerves and breaching skin with the precision of a scalpel. In human form, he can summon these bolts of lightning from his fingertips. [color=aba000]Regeneration[/color] - Ghidorah can regenerate from even the most deadly of wounds, once known to regenerate his whole body from a tail. However, this regeneration is very, very slow, taking centuries to heal from fatal injuries. [color=aba000]Mind Control[/color] - Ghidorah is able to instill a sense of mind control over weaker beings, bringing them under his influence. Towards fellow kaiju, it is nothing more than a strong compulsion to do as he wishes. To normal human being however, the compulsion becomes an obsessive need, not unlike the withdrawal of a drug addict until they acquiesce to his commands. [color=aba000]Kaiju <--> Human Transformation[/color] - From a 6 foot, 146 pound man, to a 100 meter, 30,000 metric ton dragon, Ghidorah can change between forms as easily as breathing. It takes a minute to change from form to form, however. [/hider] [center] [b]Other:[/b] *[color=aba000]Loves to mess with Godzilla, to the point where one could probably call it harassment.[/color] *[color=aba000]Holds a soft spot for Mothra, but doesn't remember why.[/color] *[color=aba000]Had gained a respect for music during his time in human form, listening to one form of it or another when alone. His favorite genre is Classical Orchestra[/color] *[color=aba000]Refers to his fellow monsters as titles of royalty or pieces of a chess board. Two examples are Gojira = Queen, and Mothra = Bishop[/color] [h1][u]Theme[/u][/h1] [youtube][/youtube] [/center] [/hider]