AWAITING CONFIRMATION [hider=Destoroyah] [center][h2][color=9e0039]デストロイア[/color][/h2] [img][/img] [hider=Aggregate and Flying Gijinka] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Kaiju Formes] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Full Name/Nicknames:[/b] [color=9e0039]Destoroyah, shortened to Desu when in her weaker forms; Destroyer of All Living Things[/color] [b]Gender:[/b] [color=9e0039]Female[/color] [b]Age:[/b] [color=9e0039]20, give or take a few years[/color] [b]Kaiju Size:[/b] [color=9e0039]1mm-10 cm[/color] [sub](Micro)[/sub] [color=9e0039]3- 20 meters[/color] [sub](Juvenile)[/sub] [color=9e0039]50 meters[/color] [sub](Aggregate)[/sub] [color=9e0039]55 meters[/color] [sub](Flying)[/sub] [color=9e0039]90 meters[/color] [sub](Final)[/sub] [b]Race:[/b] [color=9e0039]Mutant Oxygen Destroyer[/color] [b]Faction:[/b] [color=9e0039]Mutants[/color] [b]Personality:[/b] [color=9e0039]Manipulative, unapologetic, and cruel. Three, unfortunately accurate adjectives that describe the Mutant, Destoroyah. She seeks for the end of all existence, all life on Earth, in order to sate her own amusement and lust for chaos. The Destroyer of All Living Things is willing to do anything to achieve her goal, and unlike her former ally Ghidorah, there is no such thing as reputation or social morals that she must abide by in order to get what she wants. Even worse, she *enjoys* causing others suffering, to the point that she would gladly be fatally injured if it allowed her to witness to see the anguished look on someone's face as they or their loved one were tortured endlessly, screaming in agony as they died. These views, however, are only observable in her Final form. When within her Aggregate or Flying forms, less cohesive and complete than her more matured state, the chaos created for the sake of chaos by her is less... malevolent. Instead of mass murder or destruction, the Aggregate Desu funnels her focus into petty pranks and pickpocketing, while the Flying Desu flies through the air, dropping bombs of trash onto houses and making an utter mess of the area, all the while giggling mischievously with a saccharine grin. Yes, she still hates all life, even in her younger-seeming forms, but her views are more lenient, more childlike in nature. Carefree, without any sort of rush to annihilate anything, and merely enjoying the dispairing screams of the victims of her latest schemes with tears of mirth. When it comes to her fellow kaiju, form has their own way to deal with the presence of their "cousins". Aggregate usually deigns their presence with utter silence, while Flying annoys them endlessly with half-questions and fake truths. Final, on the other hand, always seeks to pull their heart strings, causing undue emotional pressure onto her fellow kaiju and enjoying the fear and anger it usually generates. Any of the forms, however, are very capable of dealing with any sort of aggressive action, and are willing to level a city block in order to escape or deal a fatal blow.[/color] [b]History:[/b] [color=9e0039]Destoroyah was originally a colony of microscopic crustaceans from the Precambrian Era that had thrived living in anaerobic environments. When the Oxygen Destroyer was detonated in Tokyo Bay to kill the first Godzilla in 1954, the crustaceans mutated from exposure to the chemical weapon, and began to evolve abnormally over the next 40 years, incorporating Micro-Oxygen into their biological processes. After being disturbed by an underwater mining operation, the crustaceans moved to the surface and began feeding on organic life, gradually combining with each other into larger and more deadly forms. in 1995, Destoroyah began her attack on Tokyo, enraged and filled with a never-ending hunger. A hunger for the end of everything. Evolving into multiple forms, she battled and mortally wounded a young Gojira Jr. before the kaiju's mother appeared to continue the fight. Attention drawn from the younger of the two Earth Defenders, Destoroyah clashed with Gojira in a colossal battle for the sake of the world. The battle was so intense, so immeasurably great, that the Queen of Monsters had been forced past her threshold of power, slowly melting under the strain of her own nuclear energy. But, in the end, Gojira was victorious, restricting Destoroyah long enough for the GDF to flash-freeze Destoroyah with their weaponry before the Destroyer of All Things shattered upon the roads of Tokyo. Miraculously, both Gojira and Gojira Jr. survived the altercation, however fatally wounded they were, and eventually returned to their former glory after a period of recovery. In their joy of success, however, not even the humans noticed a few smidgeons of life scurry away from the scene of battle, regrouping into the form of a small child and running away into the suburbs, not to be seen again as the once Destoroyah slowly regained her strength, building up her colony in preparation for revenge. [/color] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [hider=Destroyer of All Living Things] [color=9e0039]Breakdown[/color] - Destoroyah is made up of multiple, micro-sized organisms that fused together and cooperated to construct greater, more powerful vessels of power. From even a single micro-organism, she can eventually reconstruct her entire body from scratch after the rest of her being is annihilated. From her Aggregate, Flying, and Final forms, Destoroyah is capable of disassembling herself into multiple copies of a weaker form, or gather multiple copies of a weaker form to create a stronger one. Each copy of Destoroyah is apart of her, connected by hive-mind instincts that allow any one of them to obtain the main consciousness, completely loyal to no one but herself. [color=9e0039]Immense Physical Strength[/color] - Destoroyah's body is insanely durable, capable of surviving multiple hits from Gojira's [i]Red Spiral Atomic Ray[/i] (although she was shown throwing up large amounts of blood), an attack which instantly killed or crippled most enemies in a single shot. She was also seen to be able to fight toe to to with Gojira at her very best, to the point that her fellow kaiju began to overheat from the strain of power needed to match Destoroyah. No matter how powerful and durable she is, however, extremely high temperatures are able to weaken her physical strength, and even kill her should she be exposed to them long enough, burning through her micro-organisms faster than they can multiply. [color=9e0039]Micro-Oxygen Beam[/color] - Destoroyah's primary weapon, capable of vaporizing organic matter and penetrating most metals with it's piercing, destructive power. All higher forms of Destoroyah, both Gijinka and Kaiju, are capable of using this ability. In Gijinka form, the beam exits from Aggregate's blades, Flying's mouth, and Final's fingertips. [color=9e0039]Variable Slicer[/color] - A beam of energy Destoroyah is capable of producing that was able to eviscerate Gojira's scales and flesh with ease. The Aggregate form's spiked claws similar to those of a praying mantis, flying and Final form's tail tipped with a grappling pincer, and the horn that juts from Final form's head are all capable of using this ability. However, only the Final form can use it in Gijinka form. The tail of Flying and Final also has the ability to drain energy and give an energy discharge. [color=9e0039]Inner Jaw (Aggregate and Flying)[/color] - Both forms are equipped with a pair of extending secondary jaws that injected the micro-oxygen directly into an opponent's bloodstream and drained a victim's energy. While not as devastating to the environment as the Micro-Oxygen Beam or Variable Slicer, the internal damage suffered by the victim of their bite can be extremely fatal if not treated within a few hours. [color=9e0039]Chest Beam (Final)[/color] - A beam fired from the floral pattern on her chest, powerful enough to cut through Godzilla's tail and break several of his dorsal plates in just one shot. While definitely the most powerful weapon in Destoroyah's arsenal, the fatigue generated by it's usage is higher than any other ability. The floral pattern on her chest is also a dangerously visible weak point, causing the Mutant immense pain and internal damage when it is injured to any sort of harmful degree. [color=9e0039]Kaiju <--> Gijinka Transformation[/color] - From her kaiju form, Destoroyah can morph into a human-like form, changing in appearance depending on her current level of Breakdown. Aggregate is a 4'6" stoic, young girl, while Flying is a 4'10" juvenile, mischevious teen. Final, however, is a 5'11" voluptuous woman, visually appealing to any appraising eye. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [color=9e0039] *Dislikes her kaiju form, if only because of how masculine it looks. *Holds a massive grudge against Gojira. *Both Aggregate and Flying forms seek to create a friendship of sorts with Gojira Jr, while Final seeks to use such friendships to break the mother Gojira. *Strangely, despite her goal to destroy all life, all forms of Destoroyah enjoy the creation and act of Caligraphy, to the point that her hidden lair for building up her colony is plastered with the drawn symbols. [/color] [youtube][/youtube] [/center][/hider]