Olivia was enjoying her walk and conversation with the knight. It was rare for her to be able to converse with anyone aside from those that are permitted to be around her: her parents, her brothers, Darma and a handful of servants, so this was a treat for her. She listened to Winston's words, occasionally glancing towards him. [color=tan]"I am sure there is more to you than just your loyalty to your Lord,"[/color] she said, her words sincere. She lapsed back to silence to hear what else he had to say. At the idea of Paul protecting her, the same wide smile she had worn when the Duke-to-be invited her to share a meal spread across his face. It was such a romantic notion. True, he was her mother's younger brother and she should not be having such thoughts about him but she couldn't help it. The smile faltered when she heard the rest of what the big man had to say. She would have been offended by his words had it not been for her own suspicions about her father. Count Barker has been anxious ever since he heard about Paul's return. Was it because he was fretting over how to welcome the heir to the Duchy? Or was it because his plans on taking over what wasn’t rightfully his were being derailed Paul’s return? She had her suspicions about her father for a while now and hearing it from another made it painfully clear that he wasn’t as innocent as she wanted to believe. While Winston was a new acquaintance, he must have good reason why he would say that about her father. [color=tan]"Is the Count truly evil?"[/color] she asked in a quieter voice. --- Sophia was suprised when Paul yanked her back and spun her around so that they were face to face with each other. In a matter of seconds, he had her hands pinned to her back. Her surprise was apparent on her face as she blinked at what the man was doing. [color=lightgreen]"W-what are you doing, my Lord?"[/color] she asked. She didn't have any weapon or poison concealed on her person. She would have but she figured having some sort of weapon would throw suspicion on her identity and purpose. Being unarmed, she was innocent to his accusations and she played to it. [color=lightgreen]”W-what knife do you mean? I have no weapons with me nor do I carry poison, my Lord. I--”[/color] She swallowed hard as he kept searching her body. [color=lightgreen]”I-I’m a mere peasant who happened to catch a glimpse of someone she thought attractive. I-If I had not spilt the ale on you so boldly, I doubt you would have even looked in my direction.”[/color] She averted her eyes from his. [color=lightgreen]”I apologize if I have given you reason to doubt my intention.”[/color]