It took enormous restraint for Sebastian not to WHOOP with joy as his picked target jerked and slumped and finally fell off his perch to the dusty earth below. His armour made a racket during it all though. Clanking and thumping during its losing fight with gravity. It felt good, it wasn't a proper fight like he would have liked ti to be. But it felt good. Something like that made him feel as if he was actually taking the fight to the dominion in a grander sense. One less man to hunt them down later. And he didn't feel too bad about the killing part. Alot of dominion marines were conscripted cons anyway. Half of them have done terrible things they deserved to be executed for. They weren't deserving of this dominion 'reform' program. Andromedai was then talking about other stuff. Something about everyone knowing what to look for. He signalled his acknowledgement but in reality had no bloody clue what precisely they were doing here. He meant to pay more attention at the briefing and read the data packet, he really did, he just got sidetracked by.... other things. Things that may or may not have involved the special lady who gave him the fine piece of 'artwork' he was looking at on the way here. "Sure thing boss lady." It was a little hard to look for anything quietly in his suit. Even tip-toeing made him [i]thud thud thud [/i] through the compound. He was also huge, just over seven feet tall and several feet wide. Why the hell he was being asked to be stealthy was beyond him. He would rather blitz through this base in and out before the dominion had time to react. To hell with subtly. That was for ghosts and people who couldn't fight fairly. He was a Raider and a marine. Not a damned church mouse.