[hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170310/6fafe9481eeb1ee6d2765cf174f1d907.png[/img][/center] [hr] Kato listened to the Human's speech intently, taking it all in that this is a dangerous mission. It didn't really help with anxiety but at least the human was honest about the dangers and risk of the missions as well as the weight they need to pull. Which he was more then used to doing, a Quarian always have to pull their weight even artist like himself. Once the Human, Kieran, was done the Asari raised her hand and spoke about her qualifications and skills. Which was impressive, maybe, he should give her his information about the Keeper's as much as he's technologically gifted he's just not a biologist and lack the skills to make full use of the scanned data. Next to speak was the Krogan who spoke crassly as most Krogan do, but he spoke calmly compared to other Krogan and seems to know how to follow command. "I was hired for my Tech and Geth expertise as you no doubt already know, so if you have any questions about Geth, come and asked, I will answer to the best of my ability." Kato spoke politely. "If I may be so bold I will check out the ship's specs and capability... this is the nicest ship I seen in years which must say something about me... I would like to see what it can handle if we are attacked." The white cloaked Qurian walked deeper into the ship, admiring the tech within before turning around and studying the Asari and human. Despite his anxious and skittish personalty he knew how to handle himself in a crew. "Once you are done talking to T'Amani, I would like to talk to you as well... I would like to know the Captain of the Ship before I fight for them." Kato spoke frankly but he kept his tone politely. "You can find me in the ship's engineering deck." He really needed to know how the ship works, he would never sleep if he didn't. [@Heckno12][@NecroKnight][@dabombjk]