[center][h2][color=a187be]Amelia Averyonna[/color][/h2] [@PlatinumSkink][/center] Amelia followed Laurinda and her pokemon deeper into the woods, keeping an eye on her surroundings nervously. When they reached the Wilted Woods, the feeling of something otherworldly, but not being a Ghost-type, definitely assailed her but she stayed calm and continued one with Laurinda. At the sight of all the injured pokemon, she moved over to one of the closest one, a Bedrill, and kneeled next to it, gently placing a hand on a part of it's head that wasn't burned. "[color=a187be]You poor things. I wish I had something to give to help you feel better[/color]." She said to it, giving it gently pet before getting up. She walked over to several other pokemon, giving them some attention and words of encouragement before heading over to where the Delphox sat. She watched the vulpine pokemon for a bit before turning to Chandelure and Trevenant. "[color=a187be]Will either of you two be willing to join me? A little extra protection never hurts right? And my search might lead me[/color]..." She looked over in the direction she felt the dangerous presence coming from. "...[color=a187be]in that direction[/color]." Wether one, both, or neither of the more powerful pokemon joined her, Amelia set off into the woods, looking for Ghost-types, praying she would come across some Phantumps. Her real goal was going to be much harder though. Her mentor had taught her about the rare pokemon known as Shiny Pokémon, varieties that were colored differently. He had even found and showed her pictures of them and out of all the ones she had seen, Phantump and Trevenant were among her favorite Shinies. So, she was hoping to find at least one, though she knew her chances were slim to none, but slightly better if she could find a large group of pokemon. While she searched for pokemon, she also kept an eye out for Berries she could give the injured pokemon to help them feel a little better. As she walked through the woods, she tried her best to avoid the other presence, but a part of her, the more curious part, was drawn to it and she was unconsciously moving closer, like a Venomoth to a flame.