There were several stronger aura in the castle, and one that was absolutely overbearing compared to the rest. Still, it didn't compare to that of Ross, Mikey, or Lark. It was strong, but no stronger than Gol-Ira, or Bobba. Perhaps that was the king? Was he really that weak? Perhaps the folks around here were not nearly comparable to Jenso, or the people he'd fought in the past. "I'm bringing us in!" Sheir announced, dipping below the castle with a sudden swoop. In moments, she tipped the craft back up, and flew them into a circular hole at the bottom of the castle. When inside, the edges of the circle were visible, and looked like loading bays as if the fortress was a giant ship. There were a ton of identical hovercraft inside, each with only slightly varying paint jobs and attachments. When Sheira landed, she hopped out and guided Jeff and Jenso towards one of the three staircases that were evenly placed at the ends of the giant circular loading bay.