Damascus-Gym [@Floodtalon] "F-finally..." Leo heaved like a mad man as he finally approached the town of Damascus. He had lost track of how long he had been running ever since he caught that Torchic. He had decided to name him King, an appropriately snooty sounding name for such an uptight and rebellious pokemon. King had zero issue communicating with the other pokemon, none at all. Honestly, he seemed happiest when he was playing with them. But when it came to his trainer...well, let's just say that he had gotten the stink eye more than a handful of times. Way more. But that didn't matter right now. They had finally made it to a town with a gym in it. All around the somewhat old fashioned looking town, Leo saw people and pokemon working together. The clank of hammers pounding steel came was a bit grating on the ears, admittedly. It wasn't all too surprising to see a ton of Machokes and Gurdurrs moving around left and right with large metal bars clutched in their arms. He wondered if there was a Machoke around here who could give him a hand with his exercise routines...nah, that was a stupid idea. The gym was priority number one. After asking the locals for directions, Leo was able to locate the gym with little difficulty. For a few minutes, Leo stood there silently. His nerves prevented him from walking in. His palms were moist with sweat and he hardly felt like he could breath. He had to force himself to open the door and finally begin his first major challenge as a trainer.