[center][h3]Lily [color=00aeef]♥[/color] Soul of Paitence[/h3] [color=00aeef][u][b]Interaction:[/b][/u][/color][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Inner Demon] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI4LjA2YTdlNS5Ja0oxZENCMGFHVWdaMkZ0WlhNZ2JtVjJaWElnWlc1a0lHRnVaQ0J6YnlCcGRDQmpiMjUwYVc1MVpYTXVMaTRpLjA,/cheesegum-demo.regular.png[/img] [hr] Lilia gave the boy who had fallen down a small smile, glad he wasn't hurt; it was going to be tough as it was getting out of here and to have a hurt leg or foot would make it very difficult. Lilia watched as the boy who had fallen down next to her turn and begin to rummage around in a pile of debris and remains of the bus. She tried to crane her head, curious as to what he was looking for. When he turned around, she saw that he was clutching at a tall pipe. Oh! Maybe they could wedge it between something like a rock and the seat and use it as leverage to lift the seat up. Which seemed to have been the boy's idea as well as he relayed exactly what she had been thinking. As he got the pipe in place, she turned to look at the other boy standing by, hadn't she heard him say his name was Ginty? [color=00aeef]"With my leg pinned under the seat, I don't think tying the rope around me will work. If the pipe by itself doesn't lift the seat up, then maybe we can tie your rope around it and pull with the rope and push with the pipe. Oh, my name is Lilia but you can call me Lily. It's nice to meet you Ginty."[/color] As the introductions were said, it seemed the boy with the pipe was ready to begin. Lilia shifted her upper body until she could place her hands against the seat. She ran her hands over it, searching for the metal frame. Once she found it, she placed her hands firmly against it and looked at the yet-to-be-named boy, who stated he was going to start on the count of three. Lilia tensed her small body as he began to count and when he hit three, she shoved against the seat with all her might. She gave a small grunt, body tensed as she shoved all of her weight against the seat. As she was pushing and the boy was trying to use the pipe to lift it up, Lily was moving her pinned leg, trying to pull it towards her. She hoped that just the slightest give would let her slip her leg through the gap and be free of this seat. [/center]