[center][img]http://img04.deviantart.net/199f/i/2011/138/6/4/ethan_turan_around_by_trishkell-d3gmfl7.jpg[/img] Name: Nathan Campbell Race: Human Sex: Male Age: 25 Specialization: Soldier Appearance: Nate stands at 5'9 and weighs 165 being more lean than stocky. He tends to wear leather gloves and long sleeves when on mission so that his prosthetic isn't openly noticeable. Background: Nathan was born on Terra Nova. Both Nate's father and brother were both military, so it was basically decided he'd follow in their footsteps the day he was born. The young and naive Nathan was excited to do so but as he grew older he became less inclined. No amount of teenage rebellion prevented this, so when he came of age Nate signed up. It hadn't been what he wanted out of life exactly but once Nathan was in he saw the potential and the military ended up making a decent soldier out of him. Early on he'd been assigned to a distant planet in the middle of nowhere. The troop he was placed with being the same as Kieran Hishamie. The two were friends for a few years until Kieran decided to seek out more adventure in the stars and leave the military. Since then Nate has been bounced around from post to post when needed. At one point whilst overseeing cargo to it's destination on another planet Nathan's ship came under attack by hired mercenaries. Both sides took casualties until the mercenaries pulled back but not before Nathan took a hard hit from a Krogan warhammer. The result was amputation of his mangled arm from the shoulder down. They were quick to give Nathan a Seraphtech prosthetic arm. This gave him some squeeze room in his contract and allowed Nate to be switched from active duty to the reserves. And for the last few months he's been working for a private security business on the Citadel. It had its perks and allowed him a bit more freedom than the Alliance had, though being in the reserves meant he could be called back to service anytime. Equipment: M-96 Mattock, M-77 Paladin, Seraphtech Prosthetic Arm Powers: Concussive Shot, Armor-Piercing Ammo, Frag Grenade, Adrenaline Rush [hider=Armor][img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/8d09/f/2009/073/2/8/bound_souls_sniper_by_mohzart.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]