Actually, working on a CS now... Seems we all like the older characters. [hider=WIP] [b]Tamer[/b] [i]Name:[/i] Anthony Scott [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Age:[/i] 18 [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] Height: 5'4" Weight: 155 [i]Digivice Color:[/i] [color=8A2BE2]Blue-Violet[/color] [i]Personality:[/i] Although usually friendly, helpful, and compassionate; Anthony generally keeps to himself. Only really hanging out with a few friends and even then he usually hangs out in the background reading one of his romantic fantasy novels. When he gets into an argument with someone he can be very blunt. Occasionally he can fall into what he calls a 'Dark mood' during which he is somewhat volatile and irritable. When this happens he usually goes off on his own to cool off and reset. [i]Bio:[/i] Anthony live a fairly normal life. He was raised by a single mother with two younger siblings. He showed up every day in school, aced all of his classes (far too easy) and never really tried to do much, instead burying himself inside various fantasy worlds. TV, video games, computers, books; it didn't matter. It got to the point where he started writing stories of his own. The only things Anthony has practiced at outside of school and video games was the piano and dancing. Although both were practiced with little to no attention from others. [b]Digimon:[/b] [i] In-Training:[/i] Wanyamon [i]Rookie:[/i] Gaomon [i]Champion:[/i] Gaogamon [i]Ultimate:[/i] MachGaogamon [i]Mega:[/i] MirageGaogamon [i]Extended Mega:[/i] MirageGaogamon [/hider] Done. Will double post for the mention.