Jackman said he'd only continue to play Wolverine if it was in the MCU films, which is the only place that type of Wolverine would fit. For me, I never liked Wolverine as much as some of the other X-Men. Wolverine before the first X-Men movie and after is a completely different character. Wolverine may have heart, but before it took a lot for him to open up. He was never meant to be a leader. And he sure as crap was never meant to stand at 6'3 and be the front runner of the X-Men. Wolverine to me is supposed to be like that one short badass drunk uncle everybody knows not to mess with. Throws punches first and asks questions later. Modern Logan, before he was killed off and replaced with the Old Man, was so emo the only thing he was missing was guy-liner. Wolverine's not supposed to talk about his feelings with anybody that much unless they can keep up with his drinking. The movies neutered the savage. I'm done LOL. Like I said, he was never even my favorite or in my favorites list. That's reserved for Havok, Colossus, Angel, Multiple Man, Cannonball, and Warpath. If I was going to pick an actor to play Kraven, Jeffrey Dean Morgan wins hands down. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/448083750769815552/3v6cd7_M_400x400.jpeg[/img] ~KL~