That's a pretty cool pick to me. Side note... What do you think? Tom Hardy? Could he be a good Wolverine? [quote=@The Kid Lantern][b]Wolverine to me is supposed to be like that one short badass drunk uncle everybody knows not to mess with.[/b] Throws punches first and asks questions later. [b]Modern Logan, before he was killed off and replaced with the Old Man, was so emo the only thing he was missing was guy-liner.[/b] Wolverine's not supposed to talk about his feelings with anybody that much unless they can keep up with his drinking. The movies neutered the savage. [/quote] Gold. But yeah man, I get what you're sayin. And while I do love me some Wolverine. He isn't my top ten lol Although Spider-Man is... Always has been. I can't move past my wallcrawlers... Still, I haven't read much of Modern Logan. *Continues to Procrastinate while contemplating what to do with Lucida*