[@Turboshitter] Yes, I'm still here. I got sick a few days ago- I apologize for the delay. Here's what I have so far. I've got notes for the missing parts on a sheet of paper and my test thread, just have to copy it down. Working on the bio right now. [hider=Wyca Laelaps] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQ3MzU5Ny5WM2xqWVNCTVlXVnNZWEJ6LjAA/vtks-relaxing-blaze.regular.png[/img][/center] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] MAIN THEME SONG [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7xai5u_tnk[/youtube] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] APPEARANCE [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [hider=] [img]http://i.imgur.com/C7jDD5h.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/yWqzg0A.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Wyca ONLY when it's freezing (hair down to keep warm)] [img]http://i.imgur.com/42WQcTT.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=normal everyday clothes] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/95/85/cf/9585cf625376022c39a97802e36d2e18.jpg[/img] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T-gIfAA1Ds0/UsNOD119GEI/AAAAAAAAb5g/SpSp5HeG8x0/s640/anime+scenery+cute+reviewed+by+teresita+blanco+poet+animal+bird+dog+dress+original+petals+suya000+tagme.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=faunus features] [color=E3E4FA]Her physical features and faunus qualities are based off this lil' dog. To distinguish her animal as a dog in the first place, she acquired its brown tail.[/color] [img]http://photo.foter.com/photos/m/226/happy-tail.jpg[/img] [color=E3E4FA]Here are her paw pads (the [u]amalgamate[/u]/middle hand and foot pads). Unfortunately, there's more than a few animals that have similar paw pads, which is why Wyca was provided with a tail.[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UeMlrsol.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cHAvA69.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=tattoo on chest] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/21f7/th/pre/i/2014/339/9/a/laelaps_and_teumessian_by_170294-d88tywy.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=E3E4FA]She has deep, darkish green eyes, and a splash of freckles across her nose. Her body is a tad short for her age, and her hair is medium length.[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] NAME [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]Wycanwyndeaux Laelaps[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] GENDER [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]Female[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] AGE [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]Turned 17 a week prior to her first day.[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] SPECIES [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]Faunus (brown collie [dog] mix)[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] SEXUAL ORIENTATION [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]Heterosexual[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] TEAM [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=00aeef][u]W[/u]NTR[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] WHERE ARE THEY FROM [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]One of the southernmost points habitable by humans/faunus in Vacuo.[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] AURA / SEMBLANCE [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]Her aura's colour is a dark, intense shade of blueish-purple, similar (if not the same) to the colour used for Wyca's name up at the top.[/color] [b][color=443494]This.[/color][/b] [color=E3E4FA][b]Cybercaper[/b] A handy semblance that may be an offensive or defensive move, or neither, this allows Wyca to slip through technology. For instance, camera systems, computer systems, and scrolls. It's really a lively dance, as opposed to 'silently slipping in', thus explaining the 'caper' part of the name. If there is some sort of hindrance - defense systems, firewalls, viruses, etc. - she must think rapidly in order to elude those, hopping around inside the targeted technology. Wyca's personality lines up well with this. Depending on the path she takes through it, Wyca may choose to pay enough attention to her "surroundings" to gain information inside. She could reprogram it (change the code). However, the longer she remains inside her victim, the higher stakes rise. Tripping up means the technology recognizes her as a hostile intruder. It can harm her physically and/or mentally; that is unique to each situation, although, again, that one thing is the same... if discovered, drastic/major injuries are determined by the longer time spent inside. Other possible dangers include the technology being shut off or shut down completely from outside. In this scenario, Wyca is quite literally trapped inside. Her first step is always to code in an air supply. There is limited space for her to move around. That's why it's better to be near the 'core', or where most of the controls are near when this happens. Good thing she's not claustrophobic. Still, coding the system to turn on takes a tremendously long time and causes small to medium-sized permanent scars on her skin. Large-sized scars only occur if the technology is broken or crushed, from outside as well. Wyca pops out from where she was lingering inside at that moment. That's the physical pain. The mental consequence is drowsiness. Because the technology is 'sleeping', Wyca has to also fend off sleep. This is the mental downsides during a technological shut down/off. Her semblance is something Wyca can improve on. She tests things out while programming and fiddling around with technology, and uses knowledge earned there when diving inside. Focus is another aspect of Wyca's semblance that can be worked on. To enter the desired technology, Wyca focuses her mind on getting in, picturing herself already wading inside all the code. She's trying to refine her skills with completing this process quicker.[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] PERSONALITY (At least a paragraph) [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [quick notes: Runs on trust and respect, but understands other people run on other core values Mischievous Very patient Humble Understanding Fairly Social Wyca has extreme firm trust in her closest friends & family, which is why she is barely affected by threats toward them. Part of it also is that she tends to think with her brain instead of her heart; that doesn't mean she's cold, she simply "logics" things out. She won't mind assisting them; she just doesn't, or hardly, react when they're threatened. (Explain negatives to this.) Although she obeys to rules in general, she doesn't mind breaking the smaller ones. If it's an emergency though, she'll break larger rules without a problem. She pictures her "relationship" with rules as a simple handshake, befriending them... not overdoing it towards any of the two extremes, like one would do to a friend. Respect. This character heavily revolves around proving/making people listen or realize that [i]she[/i] isn't the problem, the system is. Quirk: Collects lots of random things, since that's related to "catching", after all. Skill: Good at hiding in plain sight. Good at reading people.] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] BIO (1-3 paragraphs) [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA][i]Bizarre[/i] describes Wyca's family fairly well. Technically, that would be two families.[/color] [hider=Legend says...]Legend says that once upon a time there was a dog Faunus and a fox Faunus. The former was smitten the latter upon having been partnered up temporarily for an errand at work. Classic, yes? He had been sent to fetch her after the assignment finished, since his canine family was all about trust and loyalty, and supported his decision to court her. Inevitably, flaws bloomed in the dog Faunus' dream of a marriage. For one thing, this particular part-fox's family was...rather shady. Mysterious. Those folks were known for their clever instinct. Not to mention they were experts at escaping. He wasn't keen on attempting to befriend them, straight from the beginning. Smart dog- his strategy, not so much. Slowly but surely, the plan sought to distance the fox Faunus and her family. Possibly by causing her to adore his own family until she scarcely spoke to hers. Her sly nature slipped past his mind. Then one day, they were both held up in an town. The town resided on an island. A severe hurricane warning was going to storm past (pardon the pun) the border facing the continent it belonged to. He caught up to the female Faunus, who was less experienced at escaping than her elders, and informed her of his intentions. "Hmm... let me think... welllll, would you look at that. I'd rather [i]not[/i]," drawled the fox Faunus. His ears drooped. "I'm sorry, but this isn't a choice, you'll have to. I'm taking you with me. You'll adore my family, I promise, love," said he. She smirked. He swooned. Offering her nimble hand, she smoothly proceeded, deciding she liked his optimistic spirit- just a tiny bit. "I'll spin you a deal. I'll travel with you." A pause for dramatic effect. The part-dog held his breath. "Only if you agree to making our families eternally linked." And so they left the town, a compromise reached, each with satisfied thoughts churning in their head. The town was called Wycanwyndeaux. [/hider] [color=E3E4FA]Growing up, Wyca had been born into the dog family. They weren't particularly wealthy, but it turned out the two families supported each other well, especially when they weren't quarreling, which was merely a third of the time now. As a result, both sides had enough money and resources to not starve every month. And if they did, it was once per year or two years, no more. Anyway. Both her parents were different kinds of Faunus, and she was also an only child. Although her mother was born and bred in Vacuo, her father was originally from Mistral, so he had creative blood running though his veins for sure. Wyca's mother was quite an artistic Faunus herself, too. But even these firm kinds of families can be chopped. Forever. Her mother died. Her father became a widower quicker than a shake of Wyca's tail. She, Wyca, had lived for 13 1/2 years at that particular point in time. Three quarters of a year later (14 1/4 years old), her father more composed and recovered - but, miraculously, still very much himself, for his daughter - made the decision to send her to Atlas. He figured she would be able to spend two years and a half there to familiarize herself, and then apply. If it wasn't for his link to the large, supportive, Faunus family community, the father might've travelled to Atlas accompanying his offspring. Obviously, that wasn't the case. He remained in Vacuo to focus on training with the combat-knowledgeable family Faunus. It'd be effective, for him, since they'd train in ways specific to the Faunus, instead of normal human training he might've received if he'd gone to Atlas. The next phase of her story. In Vale. People of this continent are known for being righteous. Then again, they always warn you: shady individuals exist anywhere...everywhere. Does that not mean that Vale, kingdom of peacemakers, has its own shady sorts? Indeed it does, and Wyca is living proof. Long story short, she found a mentor. Or rather, the mentor found her. Generally people advise one to straight out make a beeline for one's destination, halting only to eat. Wyca, however, had rough travelling that day and couldn't think clearly. She wanted answers. Keep in mind she is endlessly patient and typically humble, so this was brand-new. Not that she was aware of this fact while in her stupor. So the feminine part-dog creature investigated on information of her mother's death. Her to-be mentor stumbled upon her presence right around the time the moon was peeking out. It was a street with a handful of houses and shops. He scrutinized Wyca for the last minutes Wyca spent on the street, inquiring (mostly) friendly strangers. As she exited, he introduced himself. Time-skip forward 2 3/4 years. Wyca's still in the middle of Vale. She was supposed to have applied 1/4 of a year before. She's almost seventeen. Her mentor's five years older than her. The two of them were together for 1/2 a year now, after training Wyca for 1 1/4 years. This relationship with him is still murky, as is he. He hasn't revealed his real name to her, and Wyca knows that. [/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] WEAPONS [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA][b]Last Call[/b] ; [i]main weapon[/i] [list][*]She named it for the irony (that's an example of her mischievousness). [*]Melee weapon. [*]Doubles as and looks like a harp. It has dog carvings and the infinity loop symbol on it. [list][*]Harp strings can combine to be used as a bow. The strings closest to her (lower strings) possess more power than the ones near the front. Power can also be gained when more strings are pulled.[/list] [/list] [b]With Love[/b] and [b]Your Psychotherapist[/b] ; [i]mini sidearms[/i] [list][*]Part of the reason she only has two of them is to be able to hold one in each hand. The other half is because of her tendency to "wing it", she refuses to carry a backup.[/list][/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] LIKES (At least 3) [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]☺ Chicken and steak ☺ Rainy weather; swimming ☺ Parties ("Thing is...you can learn a lot at them--and they're fun! Double brownie points!")[/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] DISLIKES (At least 3) [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]☹ Showers ☹ ☹ [/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] STRENGTHS (3-5) [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]➶ ➶ ➶ ➶ [/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] WEAKNESSES (3-5) [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]➴ ➴ ➴ ➴ [/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] OTHER THEME SONGS [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA][i]Five Finger Death Punch[/i] [b]-[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzvasAJIHb4]I Apoligize[/url] [i]Owl City[/i] [b]-[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukgvTE3A0Ic]To The Sky[/url] [i]Imagine Dragons[/i] [b]-[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-W40iW2MRs]Who We Are[/url][/color] [sub][sub][h3][color=EDE275][u] EXTRA [/u][/color][/h3][/sub][/sub] [color=E3E4FA]While relaxing in a building where she's temporarily staying, or her home, Wyca sets up something like the drawings beneath this. It's messy, but it's her way of chilling.[/color] [hider=scene examples] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/de/4a/31/de4a31041248297c4897361ea77cb67b.jpg[/img] [img]http://ind5.ccio.co/v6/zD/5C/e638da0a066a84d47b78692d5e7d1de3.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Bonus ref! Feelin' playful. (although with much more curly-wavy hair) + more] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Mum3bUZ.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/2m7be7y.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/v6jxPf3.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]