My name is Kaycey. I’m a twenty-something in college looking for a single addition to my roleplay repertoire. I consider myself an advanced player, though I do write smaller posts should a lengthy exposition not be necessary. I really don’t like putting an exact length to what I would like to see IC, so I will say quality over quantity, but your post should never fall below a few paragraphs (except during intimate 18+ scenes) – that’s just laziness. I’m very strong in the realm of character development and creating complex settings and storylines. If you’re unable to contribute a lot of ideas and voice your opinion, we might not make the best match. I’m very creative, or so I tell myself. I do require a partner that is okay/excited with mature (very sexual) and violent themes. I have in the past written out a lengthy list of rules but I'll just make it short this time: I'm taking this seriously and would like an experienced, mature partner. Onto the idea: I've recently been watching all of the Nazi holocaust documentaries I can find, and I'd like to turn it into something creative since the time period and the events that took place are so interesting for me. I have an idea to play a Polish Jew who has been brought to the camp. Auschwitz is the setting I have had in mind, not because it's the only death camp I know of, but because it was designed primarily to house and allow Jews to work, and secondarily to be a place of ethnic cleansing: our character pool won't constantly be killed off. A young SS officer, my partner's character, was given his high status position for reasons his peers might not approve of... perhaps familial connections, money, or owed favors. He has the overwhelming responsibility of running the camp and making it a success for the German cause. In more ways than one, he will assert his power and try to prove the validity in his being there, which will create much for us to work on in text. My character will end up under his fist and we can discuss all that this might mean. I'm very open to suggestions and development as it's a pretty underwhelming idea currently. This has room to grow and move beyond the physical setting of the concentration camp, so I don't worry about its stagnation. Please PM me if I've piqued your interest.