Heh. Let me know when you update it? Otherwise I might miss that it’s been edited. Well, still fluffy, anyway. ^.^ Will do! Like I’ve said, if you get any ideas or anything, just say something! I’m 100% sure it won’t become a chore. I found a collection of [i]Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland[/i] on the Kindle for free, so started reading some of [i]Alice in Wonderland[/i] (though admittedly found myself skipping paragraphs of dialogue at a time). Did you know that the Tweedles don’t show up until [i]Through the Looking Glass[/i]? I didn't. Shows how much I know about classic literature, huh? Glad you found a place for Sting! Oh, nice about Captain America’s shield. Hmm. Think attaching some kind of string to it using glue (hot glue, or some other glue that might hold, but wouldn’t damage it) and hanging the string on a hook? Compounds are nice because once you pull the string back, it sort of locks into place and takes some of the weight off so you’re not constantly pulling back the poundage of the bow, where your normal, “bare-bone” ones usually have you constantly pulling that weight back. Lets you get in more shots before tiring out. Thanks for [i]letting[/i] me share the information! I hope you get the chance to try archery again, only with a bow suited for your current strength. Archery uses some odd, usually neglected muscles. A lot of people have to start off with low poundage, then work their way up. Exercising is good for the soul... once your muscles stop feeling like Jell-O. xD Really? Wow, that’s quite the winter! I was just always too lazy. Heh. Decided about sixteen months ago I was tired of it, and started working toward getting in a shape that wasn't a circle. :lol Oh, and for a warning (in case you do not see my status), things keep coming up, so my posting keeps getting delayed. Figures. xD If it isn’t one thing, it’s another! As Neil Gaimen so wisely wrote, “… events were cowards: they didn’t occur singly, but instead they would run in packs and leap out… all at once.”