As Urgrugg began to run, he noticed something rather quickly. Before the clanging steps of the magi besides him was rather noticeable, however, as he began to run the sound stopped. Glancing back he noticed Zuriel floating along instead of running. Zuriel was glad that the mysterious... someone, they had been following was just around the corner, and that the ork volunteered to go first was very acceptable in Zuriels mind as well. He tilted his head as the imposing ork looked back to see if he was still there, ironic he humoured to himself. For the moment he looked forth and moved Zuriel lost his physical presence and reformed himself as the smoke cloud, falling slower than gravity to the floor and flooding out into the corridor. At the same time the ork activated the energies of his staff. Probably some sort of crude force weapon, impressive, not many could form these rare weapons, and to think that an ork, stupid as they tend to be, had managed put the unwilling and uninspired masses of humanity into perspective. To show that most of man was more stupid than a simple ork. Zuriel figured that this was probably not a simple ork. Considering orks normally did not tap into the warp in this way.