Regol laughed a little bit, or made the motion and let out some weird wheezing sounds. His voice box had been damaged very bad, besides not being able to speak he was unable to make other simple sounds. He was tired too, but he was definitely and good shape, master assassins had to be. Regol stepped away a bit from the balcony and used the shadows of a nearby cubby to conjure the map of the Castle. They really had made it quite far from their starting point. Saved a good chunk of time too, things definitely could have been worse if they took the long way. They had 5 more levels to go to reach the Royal Chambers, there were no shortcuts they could take here, all the secret tunnels and routes from the Royal Chambers were under heavy surveillance and had numerous guards watching them. Making a line with his finger, Regol showed them the route they would take. It was very direct, no tip towing around a bunch of hallways or scaling anymore buildings. If they could make it to the stairwell, it was a straight shot up to the 15th floor, however there was way more patrols they would be passing the direct route. As long as everyone kept their cool and acted normal, they shouldn't give them any problems.