Mikoto followed Odell, looking over the leaving brigade. There was a knot in her stomach that has been growing ever since she talked with one of the pilots. They were young - younger than her even - and much less capable, and yet they hurled themselves at those monsters. Many of them wouldn't be returning regardless of what their support could do for them. There were too many mechs for the team to aid, and entirely too many grimm for them to face without serious losses, if the reports were to be believed. [i]If only the White fang could be convinced to... If only.[/i] she sighed, boarding the VTOL. She turned around, seeing one more of their number approach. "Mind the gap." She smiled, trying not to let her troubled thoughts show. It would do no good to spread the gloom. In fact, it would do no good to keep it while facing the grimm. She would have to clear her head or she will just become a target. Offering a hand, her eyes scanned the individual in front of her. [i]Nice red eyes, handsome. Not wuite bright as mine, but...[/i] Ah, sometimes focusing your thoughts elsewhere was remarkably easy. [@Apollosarcher]