Movement. Close. Regular pattern. A living creature, bipedal. Xeraphiel stood quietly from where he was analyzing the foot prints and aimed his bolter in the direction of the new sounds. Just as the source rounded the corner, Xeraphiel's illuminators flared, blinding the creature and making it obvious in great detail to the techmarine. An ork? An immediate assessment determined the ork had no weapons, other than a staff of come kind that radiated energy. Truly, Xeph had expected another broodlord. He had no idea how orks got on this hulk, but an ork was still a xeno and an enemy, and a dead ork was a lot less of a problem than a live one. Urgrugg might have made out the form of a space marine just before the lights obscured his vision. Then Xepherial opened up a short burst directly at Urgrugg's chest.