[h2][color=9370DB][center]Zeral T'Amani[/center][/color][/h2] [center][h1] 1900 hours [/h1][/center] Zeral for her time spent with Kieran - took the time to bring him upto speed. Despite most Spectre' records being sealed and the assignment being handed only a day ago to them - Zeral didn't waste time in gathering information and connecting dots to various points of her assessments. She wasn't some super-smart scientist, nor doctor - but she had a knack for multi-tasking, thinking outside the box and connecting points together - in a simple yet understanding way. One of them being Saren and his 'skill-set'. "...as I was saying, despite Saren being a Spectre and an unknown - due to his nature, and public spotlight, he is rather vunerable to a certain analysis. Namely, his movements and acts, from this vid," she spoke, showing him some charts and vids of his 'heroics'. "Are common to that of the Turian Blackwatch. To get into that, you have to be best of the best. I am talking, Master of Five Arms - at the start of bootcamp, or age fifteen. His age looks to be around the thirty-to-forty. Expect a minimum of twenty years of hard physical training and skill. Those news-feed revealed, has him taking on from krogan to turian pirates and drell assassins." "Direct physical combat with him is highly unadviceable. He is too skilled and dangerous. Even my biotics, would only slow him barely. Since he has likely fought dozens of enemies in his lifetime." As for his visions, Zeral mostly had him describe the scenes, images and what he knew - in addition, how he know about such things. Was it an intuition or a dream-like memories. She didn't question much about what they meant or what he thought about them. Just wrote down names, sights and appearances. "I will update, once I have checked my facts and notes. In addition - no, you are not insane. Despite what the Council or some doctors would say. Prothean Beacons, as far as we know - worked upon a strange thought-transfer system. Similar to an asari meld, only more...shall we say...direct and more exchangeable." "There are several reported cases of damaged, or cracked Beacons inducing madness or breakdown of mental faculty of an individual or group - after contact with such objects. Your the first one to survive, mind intact...and with such images. I don't have a solution to offer, but I would suggest - that you try to sleep more than usual. Asari find that helps whenever, we have bad imagescapes...or dreams, as you call them." [@dabombjk]