[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=tomato]Richard Johnson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/25/8f/65/258f65c481a1268feb1227c382d64736.jpg[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building 4: Repair Shop --> Building A: Ash-hole's House[/center][hr] Richard gave a nod at Riley’s comment and ignored the words from Bea, Richard rolled his eyes at her comment and tried not to grind his teeth into dust. He was in an at least liveable mood this morning but things just kept piling into him and winding him up more and more. This probably wasn’t going to end well. He breathed heavily through his nose and kept himself busy with his work. He didn’t feel like getting kicked out of Newnan today. Of course, that may not entirely be up to Richard as Ryan’s voice returned and rang out in the workshop. At the mention of Sana’s name, Richard slammed the tools that were in his hands on the surface of his workbench, making as loud of a bang as possible. He didn’t turn around, he refused to out of sheer principal. The bang would satisfy Ryan’s need to piss him off but he wasn’t giving that little flea bagged, shit stain the satisfaction of making Richard fly off the handle at him. At least not yet. The whistle caused every hair on Richard’s body to stand on end. His eyes narrowed to a slit and his teeth began to grind harder than before. His jaw was clenched and his fingers grabbed at the tools that he’d just slammed down. He tried counting backwards from ten but Ryan had done it. He heard Ryan wandering off but Richard had to do something to get the excess anger out. He yelled out and spun around, chucking a pair of pliers into the toolbox on the floor at his feet. He’d rather have thrown it clear across the room or directly at Ryan but unless he wanted a one-way ticket out of Newnan, he knew better than that. He was angry, brooding and short tempered but he wasn’t a fucking idiot. Seething in silence now, Richard just did all he could to stop himself from leaving the repair shop in a fit of rage in hunt of Ryan. Really, his words shouldn’t have caused such a reaction but they had. Richard and Ryan were no friends of one another and Richard viewed Ryan as an enemy more than just a hated fellow resident. He never agreed with Ryan being kept around in Newnan and he never would. The snake didn’t deserve to keep breathing and Richard planned to see to that fact himself on day. But not today. As the speaker on the wall sounded out and Ash-hole’s voice called for everyone that wasn’t a Franklin reject to gather outside his house he had half a mind not to even show up. He looked at the hammer and wondered if he could have a little “accident” to get out of attending. The thought was tempting but the thought of not being injured more so. Out of sheer stubbornness, Richard waited until the last possible moment to make his way to Ash’s home. Hoping that everyone was well on their way or already there by the time he left. Twenty-five minutes passed before he left the repair shop, his feet dragging along the entire way before he stood outside of Ash-hole’s man cave. Richard had no intentions of getting in near the front or centre, he would hover at the edges as he had done for all these kinds of gatherings the last 8 months since Zoie had passed.[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=peru]Agnes Brynja Johannsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i2.wp.com/untitledtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/addy-z-nation-anastasia-baranova.jpg?zoom=2&resize=300%2C300[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Main Gate --> Building A: Ash’s Home[/center][hr] It was a little odd that there would be armed guards around the wheelie-boat (Bryn was so creative with names). In fact, she hadn’t even noticed them until they had stopped her from getting too close to the strange vehicle. She had said nothing though and just went about with finding Jim on the wall and asking her question. Visitors were rare but if they were allowed inside the walls it was clearly not a bad thing so she shrugged and then had to hide the smirk that played on her lips as Jim made himself jump when Jack’s radio went off. [color=peru]“Easy mistake.”[/color] She wasn’t much good at making others feel less awkward or better, in fact her general demeanour usually ended up making other people feel worse. She was just about to ask Jim if there was anything needing done to the walls before the wedding when the sound of Ash’s voice rang out in what felt like surround sound as it echoed out of Jim’s radio and Jack’s radio. Raising a questioning brow, Bryn stared at her feet as she took the words in. Ash was calling for a meeting outside his place. Fair enough, that saved her from looking for something to do before getting herself ready for the wedding at least. She gave Jim a nod and quietly thanked him before taking off from the wall and heading up the street to Ash’s place. She probably weirded Jim out with her strange arrival and then quick departure but hey, she wouldn’t keep her title as the creepy, quiet chick if she didn’t do these kinds of things at least semi-regularly. She had to keep them wondering about her somehow. She spotted James as she walked by the parking lot of the repair shop on the Gilbert Street side. She made her way over to him and gave a bright smile at the food cooking. [color=peru]“I cannot wait to eat this, man. Are you heading to Ash’s place now? Wanna walk up together?”[/color] Bryn really enjoyed James’s company. He was the only adult that she felt genuinely close to in Newnan. Sure, she was friendly with Ash, Sana and Froggy but James was special. They had each other’s backs outside the wall and that was a strong bond between people these days. In fact, besides Ciel, James was Bryn’s favourite living person. If he wanted to make his own way up to Ash’s then she’d head up there herself, otherwise she was happy to walk with him.[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=Khaki]Dr. Victor Bonheur[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTgzNjA1MjY2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMjgzOTk0._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Building 1: Infirmary --> Building A: Ash’s Home[/center][hr] Victor was all too aware that Chloe was unhappy with her restrictions in medical but still appreciated her ability to follow them. Her forced smile and quick exit after his orders was further reinforcement of that knowledge. Victor let out a small sigh and shrugged, knowing there was no way to change how things were. At least Chloe wasn’t as… violent as his last challenging helper. He could smile now at how Niesha had first been when she had arrived at Newnan but back then it was challenging, just as it was challenging now dealing with Chloe. He only hoped that Chloe would have her moment of realisation like Niesha had. Tiffany’s farewell pulled Victor back out of his thoughts and memories and he waved goodbye as the young woman left the infirmary after Chloe. Moving across the room, Victor gave a quick glance over Anna and then began to tidy the infirmary up some before finishing getting ready for the wedding. He was looking forward to the wedding and really couldn’t wait to walk Tati down the aisle. The thought brought him to the memories of his own daughter’s wedding day and he felt his chest tighten. He tried not to think of his family much, but sometimes he would think of his children and wonder if they were still alive, somewhere… Fortunately Niesha’s arrival served as the perfect distraction as she returned to the infirmary. He smiled to her as she went about her business and he finished off what he was in the middle of doing before he became lost in memory. As Niesha approached him and began to speak. [color=khaki]“Not a problem, Niesha. Thank you for the offer, I may just take you up on that but Anna should be okay with an occasional check up so do not feel you need to stick arou-“[/color] His words cut off as the crackle of his radio sounded and Ash’s voice called out. Peculiar, what was the gathering for? He frowned slightly, pondering what this was all about but verbalised none of his uncertainty. [color=khaki]“Well then Miss. Burkstein, I believe we best get ourselves to Captain Holloway’s home, oui? Medic will be able to take care of little Anna.”[/color] When Medic arrived in the infirmary Victor gave the man a nod of thanks and a pat on the shoulder and gave him a brief rundown on what had happened with Anna. When he was done, he hooked his arm and held it out for Neisha to take hold of if she wished to before heading out of the infirmary. It was a good job that Victor had showered already and only had to get into the suit that Ms Sally had so kindly altered for him. The air was brisk at first but the warmth of the sun began to warm Victor up as he walked down the street and around the corner to Ash’s home. He saw people heading over, some doing their jobs until a stopping point and then almost everyone was making their way to the call point that Ash had announced. He was glad to note that most of the people not moving were their newest arrivals from Franklin and he made a quick sweep to see if anyone from Newnan pre-Franklin merger were unaware of what was going on in which case he would let them know and direct them to the correct gathering point. He was very keen to know exactly what was going on just as everyone else appeared to be. Perhaps it was something to do with the upcoming wedding? Perhaps a surprise for the newlyweds? It didn’t seem exactly Ashton’s style but Victor smirked a little at the thought either way.[hr]