[hr] [center][h1][color=8dc73f]Amelia Payne[/color][/h1] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/700d/f/2016/229/f/a/strawberry_blonde_long_hair_by_rivaan-dae94m5.jpg[/img] Location: Lagrange Street → The walls. [/center] [hr] Well this certainly was different from the usual, Amelia thought as she quietly walked over to where people usually gathered to start patrolling the walls. Orders such as this one was frankly a first and she was a little bit confused and maybe scared. Ash did say that no one was in trouble, but still such sudden changes in schedules and orders scared her. What's more she was never really ordered to do regular patrol on the walls, she usually dealt with the majority off everyday tasks that needed to happen from cleaning to cooking or the like. As such she gulped, feeling an very family nerves taking hold of her once more. Once by the walls, she simply started looking about to see Lyon and any others that could direct her on which part of the wall or with whom to actually patrol. She just hoped this was not going to turn into another sudden chaotic situation. The change in sentries was a good moment to attack, but considering the snow and everything she hoped all was fine.[color=8dc73f]" I should have searched for warmer clothign..."[/color] She eventually mumbled to herself, rubbing her hands together. Yeah, the snow had caught her unprepared when it started snowing all that time back now. Just goes to show the one thing you don't account for could always happen.