[@Terminal] [i]How often is it that Donny is caught off guard in a fight? About as frequently as he watches college football. He has Netflix and prefers sitcoms. Donny didn't even give Hiecro enough time to speak. He reacted the moment he saw the futile result of his sharpshooting. In a flash Donny twisted his raised left hand so that it protruded from the hole in his coat flap, at the same time compressing the trigger on the compact can of pepper spray he had been hiding. From but a few feet away the knight would find a sudden gout of pure, blinding pain hitting her visor. Were she to swing unseeing at Donny, she'd find that he was no longer occupying the space he had been in. Ghost-like, conservative, his presence was suddenly behind her, his illegally strong stun gun thrusting into the small of her back and boasting a kick badder than an apartment wall socket. [/i]