I like making comments on Character sheets [@PrivateVentures] [hider=Dimir Review] While the numbers make it seem like an actual decklist (don't see why mages would have a decklist unless the card game exists in universe as a childrens game). I can guess its more like a count of usages. I like the list. Very Dimir. Though... Eldrazi knowledge & Phyrexian Knowledge. Either Dimir is hunting planeswalkers for knowledge that is known to literally slwoly kill non-walkers. (the concept of the mutiverse, it was a whole storyline thing with Emmara Tandris. (thats fun, Ral)) Still besides the otherwise Temperal time breaking that is the knowledge of two beings that physically have never existed on Ravnica. (I think you know what happens when eldrazi hit a plane.) [img]http://media.wizards.com/2015/images/daily/c4rd4r7_tKMrK7Is6X.jpg[/img] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCbhisqd_co[/youtube] (Secondly Phyrexians aren't usually ones to leave.) [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7ixdHQj3O4[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdDXMG9jvwg[/youtube] You don't just eradicate phyrexians from a plane. They become the Plane. So unless Dimir is running the greatest Conspiracy of hiding these events occurances from the world then Knowledge of either of these is kinda strange. I like the rest of the sheet though. [/hider] [@Ryougu] [hider=For you] Stupid planeswalkers interfering in the nature of planes. Stupid M.L. for not showing up again yet. *proceeds to lore rant for the next 50 minutes* And that is why I hate Hornet Sting. Replace phyrexian infection with actual toxin and its k In all serious, though. Nice List of cards. Fits the gorgon theme of killing quickly minus the Phyrexian which I am certain could be replaced with another Infect type card. Like Ichor rats for flavor (Rats + undercity = bonus) or maybe a rot themed wolf (rot wolf) or perhaps Septic rats (again rats theme.) or a 6 drop that is basically guranteed to get the infect in if it swings. (Spinebiter) Though this is just my opinion on not bringing phyrexians (just like eldrazi) to any other plane they have no been to. The character also seems like a nice fit for the golgari. remembering that the golgari actually feed all of the ravnican poor using the food they grow. (Golgari is actually quite nice if taken logically) [/hider] In summary careful what you bring to Ravnica.